標題: 知識經濟、高等教育與就業力:台灣與英國之比較研究
Knowledge-based Economy、Higher Education and Employability:A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Britain
作者: 張維倫
Chang, Wei-Lun
Tai, Hsiou-Shia
關鍵字: 知識經濟;高等教育;就業力政策;畢業生就業力;Knowledge-based Economy;Higher Education;Employability Policy;Graduates Employability
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究旨在探討知識經濟時代下,英國與台灣知識經濟發展程度、就業力內涵及相關就業力政策,並從歐洲CHEERS調查與台灣大專青年就業力調查報告中瞭解英國、台灣大專畢業生的就業力準備情況。研究方法則以文件分析法、比較研究法為主。 第二章說明知識經濟與就業力之意涵與關聯,第三章進而分析隨著高等教育發展與功能轉變,知識經濟對高等教育之影響,以及高等教育與就業市場、就業力之關係。第四章與第五章則針對知識經濟發展程度與產業、高等教育畢業生就業力準備情況、提升就業力政策等三面向,進行英國與台灣之探究。第六章根據前述之研究發現,提出以下結論: 一、知識經濟較傳統經濟更重視知識的角色,而知識密集型產業、腦力勞動者成為主要發展產業及人力需求。 二、具充分專業知能並加以運用、終身學習能力及良好工作態度為知識經濟時代強調的就業力內涵。 三、高等教育可透過課程改革、職涯輔導、產學合作等方式提升畢業生就業力。 四、英國知識經濟整體發展程度優於台灣,但相對優勢各有不同。 五、英國與台灣之高等教育畢業生所學與職場所需能力皆存有落差,而其表現皆低於雇主期待。 六、英國透過高等教育課程改革增進學生就業力;台灣著重職涯輔導以減少工作場域與高等教育之落差。
This research aims to investigate and compare the development of knowledge-based economy, employability connotation and related policies in Britain and Taiwan under the era of knowledge economy. Through the CHEERS Project (Careers after Higher Education- a European Research Study) and the Study of Employability of College and University Graduates in Taiwan, Britain and Taiwan graduates preparation for employability is pictured. Methods adopted in this research include document analysis and comparative analysis primarily. In chapter two, the meaning and the connection between knowledge-based economy and the employability are explained. Chapter three analyzes the impact of knowledge-based economy on the higher education with the development and evolution of higher education. The relationship between higher education and "the world of work" is also described. Chapter four and five explore the development of the knowledge-based economy and industry, employability readiness of higher education graduates and the policies of employability enhancement in Britain and Taiwan, respectively. Finally, according to the preceding findings, the last chapter draws six conclusions: (1)The knowledge-based economy stresses the role of knowledge, and knowledge-intensive industries, mental labor have become the main industry and the demand for labor. (2)Knowledge-based society underline the labor who has the full specialized knowledge and able to utilize, lifelong learning ability and the good working attitude. (3)Through the reform of courses, career guidance and industry-university cooperation can improve graduates employability in higher education process. (4)The integral degree of Britain knowledge economy development surpasses Taiwan, but two countries have different comparative advantages. (5)Both Britain and Taiwan graduates have gap between acquired competences and job requirements, and their performance were under employers expectations. (6)Britain promotes the students’ employability through the reform of higher education curriculum; Taiwan focuses on career counseling to reduce the working field and the higher education gap.


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