標題: 從腦波探討表徵連接對化學學習歷程的影響及問題解決的成效
Explore the affects of connecting representation on chemistry learning processing from EEG and problem solving performance
作者: 李佩蓉
Lee, Pei-Jung
She, Hsiao-Ching
關鍵字: 化學概念建構;多重表徵;問題解決;腦電圖;同調性;chemistry conceptual construction;multiple representations;problem solving;EEG power spectrum;coherence
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究之研究目的為探究網路表徵連接課程對化學概念建構和氣體分子動力論之問題解決的影響。課程設計採用氣體分子動力論單元期望可幫助學生進行巨觀、微觀、符號、及圖表四種表徵的連接。   本研究設計為單一樣本前後測實驗設計,參與者為八十三位高二學生。每個學生都進行氣體動力論之網路學習,並接受成就測驗和氣體動力論之多重表徵問題解決的前測和後測。其中二十三位學生在進行氣體動力論之網路學習的主題三微觀分子運動和公式的運用與主題四微觀分子運動和圖表時收集他們的腦波活動,利用Neuron Scan 4.4匯出θ(4~8Hz)、α1(8~10Hz)、α2(10~13Hz)、β1(13~18Hz)、β2(18~25Hz)和γ(35~70Hz)功率強度和同調性,並進行spss統計分析,以期能進一步瞭解學生在建構科學概念的歷程中如何進行訊息處理。   結果顯示成就測驗和問題解決的後測平均值顯著高於前測,表示表徵連接課程能有效幫助學生學習。腦波結果顯示微觀表徵片段之功率強度顯著大於微觀和符號表徵連結片段以及微觀和圖表表徵連結片段。微觀表徵片段之同調性也在所有腦區之間顯著大於微觀和符號表徵連結片段以及微觀和圖表表徵連結片段。腦波功率和同調性的結果一致均顯示學生需較多的腦部活動處理微觀表徵訊息。在微觀表徵下概念較難的頁面也顯示較高的功率強度,表示需要較強的腦波頻率處理訊息較複雜的概念,但微觀表徵下概念較難的頁面同調性較低,顯示學生在微觀表徵概念建構的初期階段需要較多的腦區連結;概念較難的頁面在微觀和符號表徵連結片段下之功率強度和同調性皆較大,其結果一致表示學生習慣運用符號表徵,故處理越複雜之概念時腦波活動越強烈;而微觀和圖表表徵連接時的功率強度和同調性在不同概念下顯著差異皆較少。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of web-based connecting representations learning content on students’ conceptual construction and problem solving involving the topic of Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases. The design of Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases learning content specifically designed to help students making connections among macro, micro, formula, and diagram four different representations. One-sample repeated pre-post-test measurement design was used in the study. There were 83 11th grade students involved in the study. All of the students received pre- and post-test of conceptual construction and problem solving involving the topic of Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases. In addition, students’ Web-learning process also were collected. EEG was used to measure 23 students brain activity while they were learning the Web-based connecting representations of Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases learning content. The EEG data was analyzed according to theθ(4~8Hz),α1(8~10Hz), α2(10~13Hz), β1(13~18Hz), β2(18~25Hz) andγ(35~70Hz) bands power and coherence through Neuron Scan 4.4. Results indicated that students’ post-test performance of conceptual construction and problem solving significantly outperformed than their pre-test. The EEG results indicated the following pattern: First, the grater power spectrum were emerged at the episode of the micro representation across all power of different EEG frequency than the episode of the connecting micro and formula representation and the connecting micro and diagram representation. The grater coherence among prefrontal, Central, posterior and long-distance electrodes were observed at micro representations episode. It suggests that students use more brain capacity when they construct the micro representation related concept. Second, the greater complexity of micro representation episode presented, the greater power spectrum were collected. It suggested that students use more brain capacity to deal with higher complexity concept than the lower complexity concept. Finally, the greater power spectrum and greater coherence were observed for connecting micro and formula representations episode at higher complexity pages. It suggests students tend to learn conceptions though the formula representation than micro representation. The EEG result shows less difference between connecting micro and diagram representation episode.


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