標題: 網站舒適度的評價與估量
An Evaluation and Measure for Websites Visual Comfort
作者: 張家駿
Chang, Chia-Chun
Sheau-Ling Hsieh
Ting-Lu Huang
關鍵字: 視覺舒適度;易用性;支援向量機;visual comfort;accessibility;Support Vector Machine;Matlab
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 人們從傳播媒體取得訊息的來源已逐漸從電視、報章雜誌轉變為網際網路,網路漸漸成為現今人主要的獲取資訊來源。在長時間的使用下,容易讓使用者產生疲倦等感覺,其中一個影響因素來自於視覺。 本研究探討在網站瀏覽過程中的明暗度變化所帶給使用者的舒適度觀感,藉由錄製網站瀏覽的影像片段,使用影像處理分析明暗度變化程度,並透過SVM與使用者問卷的評分做比較分析,試圖建立影像處理過後的預測模型來模擬使用者對於視覺舒適程度的心理觀感。 結果顯示,影像分析的標準與使用者的問卷結果呈現正相關。並以此影像分析方法完成一視覺化工具進而可用來分析畫面變動程度與給予視覺舒適程度評鑑。
The way People retrieve information has been changed from traditional media, e.g., TV or newspaper, to surfing Internet as the mainstream method. Normally, after surfing for a long period, people feel tired. One of the causes is the visual effect received by our eyes. The study focuses on the visual comfort caused by luminance changing frequency during the navigating behavior. We capture surfing video clips and use image processing to analyze luminance modification signals. At the same time, utilizing Support Vector Machine to construct an evaluation tool including a predict model depending on people rating results. The results illustrate that signal sequences generated by Matlab analyzer have positive correlation with people rating results. Moreover, we design and develop a prototype of video analyzer tool with graphic user interfaces.


  1. 558401.pdf

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