標題: 基於H.264的混合式多重描述編碼
Hybrid Multiple Description Coding Based on H.264
作者: 陳建裕
Chen, Jian-Yu
Tsai, Wen-Jiin
關鍵字: 多重描述編碼;多相重排與次取樣;誤配控制;錯誤隱藏;Multiple description coding;Polyphase permutation and sub-sampling;Mismatch control;Error concealment
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 當視訊資料透過網路傳輸時,會因為不同的傳輸錯誤,而在視訊品質上產生負面影響,多重描述視訊編碼就是一種用於降低錯誤影響的技術。在多重描述編碼上有著許多的方法,都勢必考量到編碼效能與錯誤恢復,並在其中取得一個最好的平衡點。而在此篇論文中,我們提出了一種混合式的多重描述編碼技術。 在混合式多重描述編碼架構模型上,我們利用了時間域與空間域的特性,將其視訊來源編碼分割,在使用個別兩個的動作預測迴圈下,以產生四個描述子,個別在不同頻道上傳輸,其中任一個描述子都可單獨解碼還原,接收端的描述子收到越多則還原的品質越佳。 當有描述子發生錯誤或遺失時,混合式多重描述編碼會在時間域或空間域上,錯誤選取較適合的預估方式,結果顯示,可以使得視訊在有效率的編碼效能下,達到較好的錯誤恢復。在理想頻道上描述子遺失,或在網路隨機封包遺失的情況下,都可以顯示混合式多重描述編碼的優勢。
Multiple description (MD) video coding is one of the techniques used to reduce the detrimental effects caused by transmission over error-prone networks. Several approaches have been proposed for MD coding, where each provides a different tradeoff between compression efficiency and error resilience. This paper presents a hybrid MD coding method. The hybrid MD encoder segments the video along both temporal and spatial dimensions, and generates four descriptions using two motion prediction loops. In case of description loss, the hybrid MD decoder adaptively takes advantages of spatial correlation among residual pixels and temporal correlation between frames for lost data estimation. As a result, better error resilience can be achieved at high compression efficiency. The advantages of the proposed hybrid MD method are demonstrated in the contexts of description loss in ideal channels and in packet loss networks.


  1. 562801.pdf

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