標題: 無線感測網路之自動燈光控制系統
Autonomous Light Control by Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
作者: 呂哲彥
Lu, Che-Yen
Tseng, Yu-Chee
Yi, Chih-Wei
關鍵字: 智慧型建築;燈光控制;無線通訊;無線感測網路;普及運算;LED;Intelligent building;light control;pervasive computing;wireless communication;wireless sensor and actuator network;LED
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 近年來,無線感測網路已經被廣泛的使用在許多的領域中。此篇論文中,我們提出了一個基於無線感測網路之自動燈光控制系統。系統藉由使用者身上配戴燈光感測器之讀數,做為調控燈光的依據。本系統主要針對兩大目標,分別為滿足使用者照明以及節能省電。依據照明範圍的不同,將照明設備分為全區照明以及區域照明設備。且基於全區照明以及區域照明考量因素不同,本論文對於兩種設備分別提出不同的解決方案。對於全區照明,我們提出兩種控制演算法來控制全區照明設備;對於區域照明則提出可追蹤使用者閱讀面之智慧型檯燈。由於不需要額外的定位媒介以及裝置,且能自動根據環境光源的變化作調整,因此我們將本系統稱為「自動化」燈光調控系統。本論文中,我們提供實驗數據以及實作雛形結果來驗證系統的可行性。
Recently, wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs) have been widely discussed in many applications. In this paper, we propose an autonomous light control system based on the feedback from light sensors carried by users. Our design focuses on meeting users' preferences and energy efficiency. Both whole and local lighting devices are considered. Users' preferences may depend on their activities and profiles and two requirement models are considered: binary satisfaction and continuous satisfaction models. For controlling whole lighting devices, two decision algorithms are proposed. For controlling local lighting devices, a surface-tracking scheme is proposed. Our solutions are autonomous because, as opposed to existing solutions, they can dynamically adapt to environment changes and do not need to track users' current locations. Simulations and prototyping results are presented to verify the effectiveness of these results.


  1. 650801.pdf

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