標題: 醫療影像維護系統
Medical Image Maintenance System
作者: 蔡本元
Tsai, Pen-Yuan
Hsieh, Sheau-Ling
Tsai, Shi-Chun
關鍵字: 健康資訊系統;健康第七層通訊協定;電子病歷;網路服務;Health Information System (HIS);Health Level Seven (HL7);electronic medical record;Web Service
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文主要是架構於台大醫院的健康資訊系統之下,由於現在醫院都開始朝向病歷電子化的目標邁進,大部份的電子病歷都只是單純的用文字做紀錄,但往往許多紀錄是需要搭配圖片來做說明,所以這個論文主要是設計一套影像維護系統,如此台大醫院的電子病歷可以將影像紀錄也加入到其中,使電子病歷可以更加完善。 這個影像維護系統使用建構於健康資訊系統下的健康第七層通訊協定中介軟體架構做為資料傳輸的媒介、ASP.NET作為系統的平台、C#做為開發語言、視窗應用程式做為編輯圖檔的主要工具和使用網路服務做為視窗程式和影像維護伺服器的溝通橋梁。 影像維護系統讓所有的影像資料可以全面電子化,而且醫生可以線上建立、編輯和搜尋病人影像紀錄,如此醫生在對病人的看病時可以有效利用這些資訊對病情做準確的判斷。
Now many hospitals are beginning to move towards the goal of electronic medical records, but most of the electronic medical records only support the text to do the records. However, a number of records need to append images. The paper designs Medical Image Maintenance System to accommodate the issue. Medical Image Maintenance System is built in Health Information System (HIS) of National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). The system can improve the electronic medical records in NTUH. Medical Image Maintenance System integrated in HIS, uses HL7 as data transmission medium, ASP.NET platform, implemented in C # language. The image editing tool is established on window application. The bridge between the window application and Medical Image Maintenance System server is Web Service. The system enables all the image data digitalized and doctors can create, edit and search patients’ image records on-line. Therefore, the patient can receive treatments effectively and accurately.


  1. 655301.pdf

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