標題: 京都企業的經營模式分析
Business Model Analysis of Kyoto Enterprises
作者: 詹益仁
Chan, Yi-Jen
Wu, Muh-Cherng
關鍵字: 京都企業;營業利益;股權收益;Kyoto enterprises;operating profit;Return on Equity (ROE)
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 京都文化中獨有的自負與對技藝的講求,塑造出京都特有的京都企業。與以東京為首的集團企業,京都企業不依附於集團,不追求成品的完成,以水平分工的產業鏈,追求以零組件的技術開發達到最高的佔有率。因此京都企業不論在營業利益率、股權收益及財務風險控管均較日本的集團企業為佳。同樣地以水平分工為主的台系企業有幾分的神似,其中在快速反應市場需求及成本降低為台系企業的專長;然而京都企業特有的深沉的技術著墨與品牌市佔率卻是台系企業所欠缺的。
Based on the self-esteemed culture and focusing on the technology skill, it cultivates the unique so called Kyoto enterprises, which is totally different from the Tokyo based bloc enterprises. The unique features of Kyoto enterprises include not belonging to any bloc, not aiming for final products but on market share, and dismantling the vertical supply chain. It results in that Kyoto enterprises achieve a better performance as compared with the Tokyo based bloc enterprises, in terms of profit margin, return on equity and financial risk control. Similarly, Taiwanese ICT related enterprises are all based on the dismantling supply chain, the quick responses to customer’s needs and cost down capabilities are the advantages of Taiwanese enterprises. However, what we are missing as compared to Kyoto enterprises are the development of technology depth and the branding for world wide market share.


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