標題: 獨立軟體供應商於安防產業之獲利研究-以大陸市場為例
A Study on Independent Software Provider Strategy in China Security Market
作者: 蔡爾榮
Tsai, Er-Jung
Wang, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: 安防;門禁;監視;報警;出入口管制設備;門禁機;CCTV;SWOT;PARTS;Security;Door Access Control;Entry Access Control
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著中國國民經濟的發展和經濟全球化進程的加快,對於安防產品的需求日益擴張,造成中國安防產業迅速發展﹔隨著科技不斷進步,安防行業領域不斷擴大。報警運營、中介、資訊等專業化服務開始起步﹔產品種類不斷豐富,發展到了視頻監控、出入口控制、入侵報警、防爆安檢等十幾個大類,數千個品種。 環顧國內,在台灣由於安全監控產業一直以來都以國際級的系統整合商兼具品牌製造商身分,穩握產業多數獲利與發展方向,因此,台廠僅能謹守代工製造業務,遭逢南韓、大陸低價競爭更有苦難言。但CMS(Center Management System)軟體雖詮釋宏觀的整合概念,也素為大型系統整合商所掌握,卻因安全系統乃至整體自動化系統分工龐雜,台廠有機會藉監控CMS軟體,負責其中一部分次平台整合,以在逐漸由封閉走向開放的趨勢下,順勢轉型發展。 由獨立安防軟體開發廠商的角色出發,分析在大陸安防市場的經營策略及獲利模式,經由藍海策略的策略草圖分析,找出獨立安防軟體開發廠商在產業中的藍海。經由各項工具之分析檢討,研究出獨立安防軟體開發廠商在產業鏈中的優勢,並利用競爭策略的各種角度,擬定具體可行的策略。在台灣由於安防產業一直以來都以國際級的系統整合商兼具品牌製造商身分,穩握產業多數獲利與發展方向,因此,台廠僅能謹守代工製造業務,或是以銷售硬體設備賺取微薄的生產利潤。安防產業終歸走向開放,而達成「開放」,其實便意味著存在更多「整合」的商機,而提到安防產業的「整合」,最重要的是穩定性、相容性與可擴充性,台系門禁設備領導業者多半已具備產品穩定性優勢,故在此基礎上,尋求與獨立軟體供應商的策略合作,發展門禁用管理平台,提供完整的系統集成方案,可以突破國際級安防設備商壟斷大型企業安防市場的現況,亦可進軍中國大陸市場,不失為突破現況的一種方法。 關鍵字: 安防、門禁、監視、報警、出入口管制設備、門禁機、卡鐘、指紋機、人臉辨識、生物辨識、競爭策略、零散產業、進入障礙、退出障礙、五力分析、SWOT分析、藍海策略、策略草圖、價值創新、競合策略、雙贏策略、PARTS分析、獨立軟體供應商、安防工程商、安防系統集成商、安防設備商、中國大陸、中國安防行業、中國安防產業、中央監控、大樓自動化、一體化的安防系統、安防系統集成、系統整合
As China develops economically, safety demand in China boosts. The demand in alert operation, middleware product, information services increases. Hot market enriches the product lines including CCTV, entry access control, security alert and so on. In Taiwan, international brand manufacturers, as system integration service provider, dominant the local market. They do big cases and take away most of the profits. Therefore, the local security manufactory can only do OEM business, in competition with South Korean, Chinese low-priced products. Since CMS (Center Management System) system is held on international brand manufacturer, Taiwan factory is left with the opportunity to develop the CCTV monitoring system, a subsystem of security for industry. From independent software vender (ISP) point of view, using strategy draft of Blue Ocean creates an opportunity at China security market. An open software platform is suggested to integrate different hardware venders. The platform becomes an open system instead of a closed system. Different venders can sell security products to the same clients. Integrating different hardware vender devices under an open software platform can provide a new value. Taiwanese manufacturers in security are important in providing stable product. Therefore, an open and integrated ISP platform might be an innovated way for Taiwanese manufacturers to local market, as well as a new way to share Chinese market. Keyword: CCTV, SWOT, PARTS, Security, Door Access Control, Entry Access Control, Door Entry System, System Integration, Building Management System, Centeral Management System, Modbus, OPC, Alarm System, Alert System, Co-Opetition, Blue Ocean Strategy, Competitive Strategy, China, Independent Software Provider