標題: 智慧型手機產品行銷策略分析-以Apple iPhone、HTC Touch以及LG PRADA手機為例
The Analysis for Smartphone Product Marketing Strategy - Cases of Apple iPhone, HTC Touch, and LG PRADA
作者: 譚雲龍
關鍵字: 智慧型手機;Apple iphone;HTC Touch;LG PRADA;Smartphone;Apple iPhone;HTC Touch;LG PRADA
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究針對Apple iPhone、HTC Touch以及LG PRADA三種品牌智慧型手機之行銷策略討論。Apple在成功打造iPod之後沿用這個成功的商業模式來經營iPhone,並且善用媒體影響力打造iPhone成為全球關注的焦點。宏達電在過去幾年深耕智慧型手機市場,藉由其研發以及靈活的行銷方式,成功推出HCT Touch,並且從歐洲市場著手與當地的系統業者配合,另外塑造高檔產品的形象,並且吸引消費者的注意力。另外藉由與iPhone的較勁態勢,也成功吸引消費者注意HTC Touch這項產品,達到更好的宣傳效果。LG藉由異業結合與時尚品牌PRADA合作推出LG PRADA時尚手機。LG藉由這款手機提升品牌形象,並且對於時尚名流造成一股風潮。未來智慧型手機市場將呈現高度競爭場面,尤其是Nokia、RIM以及Samsung都在這個市場投注大量資源競爭,未來將是群雄並起的戰況發生。
This Study analyzes the smartphone marketing strategy, especially in Apple iPhone, HTC Touch, and LG PRADA. Apple successfully applies the experience from iPod, iMac to iPhone and uses media power to promote its product. HTC focuses on R&D and product design, successfully announced HTC Touch in Europe and cooperates with telecom to promote its products. HTC also sees Apple as its target and compare with Apple iPhone. This marketing strategy successfully attracts smartphone users to use HTC Touch. On the other hand, LG cooperates with PRADA to design high fashion smartphone. These two companies provide an elegance image for this product. Meanwhile, LG gains a good company and product image via this cooperation. In the future, this market will be in highly competition status, especially when Nokia, RIM blackberry, and Samsung have products in this market.