標題: 光電產業之即時績效考核系統個案研究
A Case Study of Real-time Performance Evaluation System for Optoelectronics Industry
作者: 莊政道
Chuang, Cheng-Doul
Liu, Duen-Ren
關鍵字: 即時;績效考核;光電業;液晶循環;Real Time;Performance Evaluation;Optoelectronics Industry;Crystal Cycle
公開日期: 2008
摘要:   科技產業與傳統產業相比較之下具有獨特性與創造性,其快速變化的產品特性,造成從業人員工作壓力很大且工作時間很長,因此造成人才流動率高,資深人員培訓不易。   然而目前業界公司在人才績效考核上仍以傳統方式進行考核,即年初與主管討論後依據部門年度計劃訂定個人工作項目,年中進行期中考核並修正部分的工作計畫項目,最後到年終時進行期末考核並給予等第排行,如此則完成一整年的績效考核工作;但因產品種類與景氣循環變化快速,因此考核結果往往造成是年初訂定計畫與年終考核時工作內容落差太大,無法單純以ㄧ個簡單標準的方式來衡量每個人的工作績效。此外,在公司制度強迫實施考核之下,其結果不但對主管造成工作上的負擔,對下屬更是無法達到預期的激勵效果,相關人員平白浪費時間於無效工作上。   本研究試圖以光電產業為例,先針對既有的績效考核方式,分析探討其應用上的缺點,再配合產業分析結論所指出光電產業特有的液晶循環週期,發展所需之績效考核特性,最後嘗試實際建構一套即時績效考核系統,企圖透過系統平台的建立,使得公司主管與下屬能即時進行雙向溝通,同儕之間也能即時客觀的互相評量,並於實際應用中持續進行階段性的系統功能改善,最後再針對不同的應用對象提出修正建議,使得其它部門能快速導入此系統,創造ㄧ個透明、公平、即時的良性競爭環境。
Different from traditional industries, technology industries have their own unique creativeness and characteristics such as rapidly changing products which may cause great pressure of work and long working hours for employees. Consequently, technology industries have high turnover rates of employees and difficulty to train senior employees. However, most companies evaluate the performance of their employees in traditional ways. Employees discuss with their supervisors and set personal working items according to department annual plans in the beginning of the year. Companies then carry out assessment during the year and amend part of the project plan, and finally carry out assessment and performance ranking at the end of year. In this way, companies accomplish their performance evaluation. However, fast changing business cycle and product category result in a large gap between the year-beginning plan and the year-end working items. Consequently, it is difficult to measure the performance of each person by a simple standard way. Moreover, the case company forced the implementation of evaluation, which caused the burden of work for managers and was unable to inspire subordinates to achieve the desired effect. As a result, employees may waste their time in ineffective work This study attempts to use optoelectronics industry as an example to investigate performance evaluation. We first analyze the shortcomings of existing performance evaluation methods. Then, coupling with the analysis of the specific crystal cycles of optoelectronics industry, we develop the characteristics of performance evaluation for optoelectronics industry. Finally, we construct a practical real-time performance evaluation system, which is in an attempt to establish a platform for real-time and two-way communication between the company's executives and subordinates. The platform also enables an immediate objective assessment of each other between peers. The system is continuously improved during real application, and amended in the application to different targets. The deployment of such performance evaluation system can create a transparent, fair and immediate environment of healthy competition.