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dc.contributor.authorChu, Yu-Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorHan, F. Anthonyen_US
dc.description.abstract圖書出版產業的主體是「寫作」及「圖像創作」,藉由「紙本」呈現在讀者面前。與其他產業例如製造業相比,在經營上有其獨特性;與不同區域(國家)的圖書出版產業之間互相比較,也可以發現隨著各自的歷史變遷,發展出略微相異的經營模式。本研究以台灣圖書出版產業供應鏈為主要研究對象,探討圖書出版產業在面臨新時代市場高度競爭與網路數位趨勢的雙重壓力下,其供應鏈將發生何種實質的改變。 論文首先從台灣出版產業結構分析出發,探討產業目前所面臨的危機與挑戰,包括供應鏈對供應鏈的競爭、出版公司的明爭暗鬥、通路與通路間的競合、動搖存亡的金流遊戲等。並透過筆者在出版產業工作二十餘年所蒐集累積的相關出版工作經驗與資料,比較美、英、德、法、日等世界五大先進國家的圖書出版產業供應鏈,之後針對兩岸三地(大陸、香港、台灣)華文世界的圖書出版供應鏈做出特性對比,試圖從中找出圖書出版產業的獲利模式。 「他山之石,可以攻錯」了解其他國家的出版優勢,是為了從中找出台灣出版產業可以借鏡的策略。本研究發現,供應鏈管理理論中的「七適原則」(7R'S of Logistics)可提供台灣圖書出版產業以更嚴謹科學的方式釐出創新之道。對於兩岸的合作,台灣應善用多年所培育的出版人才,以及營運的專業、敏銳的市場應變等優勢能力,與大陸出版商共同創造機會,此舉也將增加台灣圖書出版產業的發展空間。 最後,台灣出版產業若能集合眾人之力,說服台灣政府比照德法兩國的出版保護政策,出版社同時採用英美靈活的版權貿易策略和網路書店經營模式,並取法日本企劃編輯書籍的創意,如此方能從不景氣的深谷中一躍而上,創造出可觀的生產力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe book publishing industry basically engages in presenting ‘writing’ and ‘graphics’ on ‘paper’ to the readers. Unlike manufacturing or other industries, the book publishing industry has its own unique operation. Studying book-publishing industries in different geographical areas or countries, one can also find slightly different business models under the influence of historical development in each area or country. This study focuses on the real changes happening to the supply chain of Taiwan’s book publishing industry under the dual pressure of severe competition and digital (internet) trend. The study starts with an analysis on the structure of Taiwan’s book publishing industry, followed by a discussion on the crises and challenges the industry is currently facing, i.e. issues such as competition among supply chains, fistfights or struggles among publishing companies, competition and cooperation among distribution channels, and highly influential money flow games. Then a comparison is made on the supply chains of book-publishing industries in five advanced countries, i.e. U.S., U.K., Germany, France and Japan based on the extensive data and experience the author accumulated in the past 20 years. Lastly, the study makes an in-depth analysis on the supply chains of the book-publishing industries in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan in order to identify a profitable business model for the book publishing industry. The goal of studying the publishing strengths of other countries is to seek and identify winning strategies that can be applied to Taiwan’s publishing industry. This study discovers that the 7R’s of Logistics of the supply chain management theory can help the publishing industry to identify ways of innovation in a prudent and scientific method. With regard to cross-strait cooperation, Taiwan’s publishing industry should capitalize on its strengths such as talents developed over the years, professional expertise and market sensitivity in working with China’s publishers to create more opportunities. Doing so will also expand room for development for Taiwan’s publishers. This research would suggest that Taiwan’s publishers strive to lobby Taiwan government to adopt a protection policy for publishing as France and Germany did. In addition, Taiwan’s publishers should try to adopt flexible copyrights trade strategies and the business model of on-line bookstores, which are currently prevalent in the U.K. and the U.S. The creativity in book editing found in Japan is something Taiwan’s publishers should pattern after. After doing all these, the publishing industry in Taiwan can then have a quantum leap to create a remarkable productivity.en_US
dc.subjectBook Publishingen_US
dc.subjectSupply Chainen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Supply Chain and Future Development Strategy of Book Publishing Industry in Taiwanen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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