標題: 台灣半導體產業人力資源組織轉型為企業內部策略夥伴關係之研究 - 以T個案公司為例
The Study on Transforming HR Organization Becoming Corporate Internal Strategic Partner for Taiwan Semiconductor Industry – The Case Study of “T” Company
作者: 賴添華
Lai, Tien-Hua
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 人力資源;人力資源角色;人力資源價值;組織轉型;變革管理;策略夥伴;Human Resources;HR Roles;HR Value;Organization Transformation;Change Management;Strategic Partnership
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 全球化的趨勢及競爭,市場的快速變化,導致企業必須發展高適應的工作力,以因應外部的變動環境。「人才是企業的資產」這個觀念已是現今企業經理人共同的理念,在企業產品生命週期日益縮短,創新產品及技術日新月異的時代,人才素質已成為公司重要競爭優勢之一。為維持企業永續經營及創造長期競爭力,人才爭奪戰已成為今日商場致勝的關鍵。台灣企業應利用這波全球化的腳步,加速培養競爭力,趕上全球的進度。 半導體產業在台灣的發展,隨著產業的升級而日益重要。台灣矽谷經驗也被大量的複製,中國大陸經濟強權的崛起,台灣過去引以為傲的科技競爭力是否會受到衝擊成為我們深思的重要課題。企業要永續經營必須累積競爭優勢,競爭優勢來自企業的組織能力,組織能力又由人才創造,這些都是企業人力資源組織的責任與考驗,若能持續提昇人才及組織的競爭力以延續組織的生命與競爭力,人力資源組織才能真正成為企業的策略夥伴。 人力資源組織的角色從過去傳統、保守,漸漸轉成主動、積極、具備服務導向且具策略性思維的角色。人力資源價值具體展現在企業的策略夥伴關係上。國內企業的人力資源組織應如何轉型為企業之策略夥伴關係,本論文透過理論與個案研究得出以下結論: 1.科技產業環境瞬息萬變,人力資源組織應隨時思考面臨的挑戰並保持危機意識,隨時為改變作準備。 2.企業或組織領導者是變革轉型成功關鍵,成功的組織變革需要有堅強的領導團隊。組織變革轉型要有清楚的願景與目標,並透過有效的溝通讓組織內外同仁都了解。 3.組織變革需要全員參與,過程中須不斷給予鼓勵,創造戰果以激勵同仁繼續改革。 4.組織變革需要方法與步驟,並非一蹴可幾。要能持續永恆最重要的是要將變革深植於組織企業文化中。 5.人力資源組織的價值產出與外部企業真實環境相結合,才能真正成為企業策略夥伴。價值是建立在外部股東與客戶以及內部主管與員工之上。 6.人力資源組織具備商業知識與敏感度,同時能將其轉化成人力資源策略的應用,增加對企業之價值;組織策略須與公司短、中、長期營運策略緊密結合,並加以落實。 7.人力資源組織要真正成為策略夥伴需要培養專業的人力資源團隊,才能走在時代尖端,引領企業人力資源更具競爭力。
The trend of globalization and competition in rapidly changing market resulting the work force development of firms. "People are the assets of enterprises" has been the common concept of most executives, talent has become one of the most important competitive advantages due to increasingly shortened product life cycle, product innovation and technical advances of the era. In order to maintain the business success and the creation of long-term competitiveness, war for talent become the key success factor today. Taiwan's enterprises should make use of the pace of this wave of globalization to accelerate the competitiveness and catch up with the progress of the world. Semiconductor industry has played an important role in contributing to Taiwan economic growth. Taiwan successful experiences also been copied, the rising economic power in China has became a potential treat to Taiwan economic competitiveness, our high-tech competitive advantage we proud of should be an important topic to address. Competitive advantages support business for its long-term success, and they created by corporate organization capabilities, the organization capabilities established by corporate talents, these are HR responsibilities and a truly test if HR can be a corporate internal strategic partner or not. The role of HR has transformed from traditional, conservative to a proactive, service-oriented and strategic thinking. HR should demonstrate its value through the role of corporate strategic partner. How can HR organization transform to be a corporate strategic partner? The paper study provide following conclusions: 1.In changing High-tech industry environment, HR organization should be ready to face the challenges and maintain a sense of crisis any time to prepare for the change. 2.Leaders are the key to successful change, successful organizational change requires strong leadership team also requires a clear vision and goals. The vision should be well communicated to internal and external colleagues for their support. 3.Successful organizational change requires employees’ full involve, it is important to create short wins to encourage and motivate the transformation. 4.Successful organizational change requires methods and steps, the key to sustain the transformation is to build the change elements into corporate culture. 5.HR value creation should tie with external business environment so as to be a real strategic partner. HR value is defined by external shareholders, customers, and internal line managers and employees. 6.HR organization should equip business sensitivity, link HR strategies with corporate short-medium and long-term strategy to create value to corporate business success. 7.HR organization to truly become strategic partners need to cultivate a professional team with leading edge knowledge so as to build a more competitive human resources advantage for corporation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis