標題: 中小企業資訊科技委外的趨勢與機會探討
The Trend and Opportunity of Information Technology Outsourcing on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
作者: 史守威
Shih, Shou-Wei
Wang, Wen-Chien
關鍵字: 委外;資訊科技委外;企業流程委外;Outsourcing;ITO;BPO
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 資訊科技委外的目的是要把企業內部非核心的資訊系統相關業務交給專業的服務者或是廠商處理。可讓企業在不需要增加僱用員工人數以及可以控制的預算下,就可使用到必要的資訊服務。 歐美先進國家相當擅長運用資訊委外方式來創造企業的競爭優勢與增加獲利,這些趨勢可從2008年度近3,228億美元的市場規模加上近幾年約8.2%的年複合平均成長率(CAGR)而得知。而台灣是個以中小企業為主的產品製造輸出國,許多國際知名的產品或是其內部零組件都是由國內的企業所設計與製造。近年來全球市場的供給趨近飽和,新興市場國家的企業也進步迅速,中小企業普遍面臨到相當大的競爭壓力。另一方面,國內的資訊服務業者數量雖多,但是整體資訊服務委外的產值遠低於歐美這些國家,同時部分資訊服務業者也面經營的困境,需要有效改善企業體質以提升獲利的能力。 本研究針對這個現況做市場面的探討,得知國內中小企業採用資訊委外的比例仍然偏低,多數的企業都自行建立與維護所需的資訊系統,少量委外的項目多屬於低價值的人力派遣類工作。會造成這個情況的主要因素包含有員工的反彈、擔心企業機密外洩、失去運作彈性以及服務品質的不確定性。要改善這個現況需要企業與資訊服務商雙方的努力,建立雙方委外運作的標準流程與監督機制、策略聯盟與法規的訂定與遵循、持續引進新的資訊科技以因應全球化市場的競爭,來創造雙贏的局面以及提升台灣整體的國際競爭力。
The purpose of outsourcing the non-essential portion of an enterprise’s Information Technology to an external profession IT service provider is to relieve its need on hiring extra employees and having full budget control. The US and European companies are leaders in using IT outsourcing to create economic advantage and increase profitability. This trend is clearly indicated by the year 2008 total outsourcing business of US $ 322 Billion with 8.2% CAGR growth rate. Taiwan, a country with a lot of mid- and small size enterprise, has been a component supplier to world famous name brand products. In recent year the world market is approaching saturation and the enterprise in developing countries are becoming competitors as well. These trends had exerted a lot of pressure to the Taiwan enterprises. In another aspect, even though there are a lot of IT service provider companies in Taiwan, the use of IT outsourcing service is far less than those in the US. Therefore there is a need to improve enterprise profitability and provide better business opportunity for IT service providers. This thesis explored the marketing aspect of IT outsourcing in Taiwan and reviewed that there are only a small % of small and mid-size enterprises outsource its IT need to external IT service providers. Most of them built and maintain their own IT department. For those that do outsource, the area is foucus on low level temps. The reasons for such low % of outsourcing are complaints from its own employees, fear of data security leaks, lost of flexibilities, and uncertainty on service quality. To improve on these aspects requires co-operations from both sides to build a standard outsourcing quality and monitoring procedure, strategy alliance, acceptable laws, and introduction of the latest and best IT technologies. Taiwan can improve its competitiveness and profitability if these improvements can be achieved.