標題: 境外衛星電視頻道在中國經營策略之研究-以鳳凰衛視為例
A Study on the Managing Strategy of Offshore Satellite TV Channel in China– A Case of the Phoenix Media Group
作者: 羅鈵棋
Lo, Bing Chi
關鍵字: 境外衛星電視頻道;電視;策略;鳳凰衛視;foreign satellite TV channel;television;strategy;Phoenix TV
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究針對鳳凰衛視能於全球眾多媒體都想進入中國搶攻廣大市場的競爭中,成功打入中國,並且成功創造品牌、建立媒體影響力的策略進行分析。 由於媒體屬於特殊行業,有人稱媒體為第四權,其影響力之大,例如美國的水門事件、陳總統的海外匯款事件,大陸的毒奶事件,在在顯示媒體的力量。而媒體的功能過去主要有三大功能:政令宣導、教育、娛樂,它更扮演監督政府、反映社會民情的重要喉舌角色,可以揭弊興利,也可能禍國殃民。也因此,世界各國對於媒體行業的經營管理、以及媒體在商業利益與媒體本質的兩種考量下,如何創造「獲利」、「專業」的經營策略,更顯重要。 鳳凰衛視成立十三年來已成功建立品牌,包括:2008年由世界品牌實驗室編製的《中國500最具價值品牌》,鳳凰衛視以234.29億人民幣的品牌價值名列傳媒業第二名、同年9月在香港公佈的《亞洲品牌500強排行榜》,鳳凰亦名列其中;鳳凰衛視連續七年獲選由北京大學管理案例研究中心和《經濟觀察報》報社聯合主辦的年度「中國最受尊敬企業」以及《亞洲週刊》主辦的「國際華商500企業」排行榜中。 鳳凰衛視的成功,不僅成就媒體,鳳凰衛視董事局主席/行政總裁劉長樂亦因此獲得了包括「傳媒智者」、「中國企業領袖」、「亞太最具創造力之華商領袖」及「全球華語節目供貨商領導者」等肯定稱號。在2004年7月,劉長樂獲香港特區政府委任為太平紳士,隔年3月,並增補為香港區全國政協委員。媒體的影響力也讓媒體的負責人得到各種殊榮。 鳳凰衛視如何以一個境外衛星媒體的角色在中國成功發展,其運用的策略以及經驗足供中國境外的媒體企業做為進軍中國之參考。
The research is aimed at the analysis of the strategy of Phoenix Satellite Television that how it successfully enters into China’s market,also creating a brand new and establishing influences in the global numerous media competitions as well which want to work upon the massive market. Because the media belongs to the special profession, people call the media “ The Fourth Power”. For example, the US's Watergate, President Chen's overseas secret account, The 2008 Chinese milk scandal ,it constantly shows the media has a huge influence. The function of the media mainly had three operations in the past, including the governmental order publicity, education and entertainment, it acted the important addresser to supervise the government, reflecting the social opinions, the media not only can make the advantages and expose the irregularity, also can bring disasters to the nation and the people . Therefore, the management strategy of how to create “profit” and “speciality” is obviously important under the governmental administration and the consideration of both-side of the commercial benefits and essences. Phoenix TV has earned itself many acclaims since it established for 13 years :In 2008," the most valuable 500 brands in China " by the World Brand Lab, Phoenix TV was ranked No.2 of the Mass Communication industry by 23.429 billion RMB brand values, in September it was known as the same year in Hong Kong, the Phoenix TV was also on board of " The Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands";being the only one TV media of the "Most Respected Companies Of China" for seven years consecutively hosted by The case study research center of Beijing University and 《Economical Observation Newspaper》,Phoenix Satellite TV has also continuously been on Asia Week's “Top 500 Chinese Business Chart” for seven years. The success of Phoenix TV, is not only the media achievement, Mr. Liu Changle, the Group's Chairman and CEO, has also won numerous awards such as “Media Talent”, “Captain Of The Industry”, “The Most Creative Chinese Entrepreneur in Asia Pacific”、”The Leading Content Provider of Chinese Program”. In July 2004, Mr. Liu was appointed Justice of the Peace (JP) by the government of Hong Kong Special Administration Region. In March 2005, Mr. Liu became a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultant. The boss of the media gains various honors by the media power。 How does Phoenix TV which is a foreign satellite media succeefully develop in China ? The strategy and experience can be a reference to the other foreign medias which want to march in China.
Appears in Collections:Thesis