標題: 伺服器管理及維護方式的創新-以X公司為例
The Innovation of Server Management and Maintenance – a Case Study of X Company
作者: 李佳航
Li, Chia-Hang
Yang, Chyan
Lin, Chiun-Sin
關鍵字: 伺服器;系統管理;演進趨勢;創新;Server;system management;evolution;innovation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 自企業e化開始導入資訊系統協助組織日常作業後,負責各項服務及應用程式執行的伺服器就成為企業中不可或缺的角色。隨著網際網路時代的來臨,企業倚賴伺服器的程度更是不可同日而語,甚至需仰賴伺服器作為主要營利項目的運作平台。近年來,企業使用伺服器的數量明顯有與日劇增的趨勢,動輒可達數百甚至數千台,在伺服器數量激增的狀況下,伴隨而來的的系統管理及維護問題對於企業來說就顯得越發重要。 有鑑於此,本研究針對伺服器管理方式的演進趨勢進行研究,並分析早期與近期之管理方式其中可能存在的缺點,最後以X公司為例,探討在伺服器架構數量極大化的情況下,X公司如何發展出創新的管理及維護方式來因應企業的營運,並探討其背後的管理意涵。
Since the enterprises began to introduce electronic information system to help the organizational daily operations, servers have been used for running applications and services. With Internet age coming, the level of businesses rely on servers is more indescribable, and some even see servers as the main platform for profitable operations. In recent years, companies start to use more and more servers, the quantity easily reaches hundreds even thousands. Under such condition, the management and maintenance problems which come along with the trend become more necessary for enterprises. This study conducts a research for the evolution of server management and maintenance methods and tries to analyze the disadvantages of the early ways and recent ways which used for system management. We apply a case study and take X Company as an example to probe into when the server amount reach a huge number and what is X Company’s innovation to proceed server management and maintenance for supporting the organizational operations. Managerial implications are also discussed in the final section.