標題: 新竹科學園區員工對加油站之加油服務品質之研究
The Study on the Perception of Service Quality for the Hsinchu City Gas Station – The Case of Hsinchu Science Park’s Personnel
作者: 林芯羽
關鍵字: 加油站;服務品質;Gas station;Service Quality
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著政府開放了民營業者經營加油站業務,打破以往由中油一家經營的獨占市場,從而開啟了相互競爭的局面。在面對競爭激烈的環境下,如何避免價格競爭,改善服務品質提高顧客滿意度,以取得非價格的競爭優勢已成為加油站業者在經營管理、永續發展上不可忽略的關鍵課題。 本研究經由文獻探討後,以Parasuraman,Zeithaml and Berry三位學者在1985年所提出的「服務品質差距模式」,採用其於1988年及1991年發展出之SERVQUAL量表針對國內加油站業者所提供之加油服務進行研究。 本研究旨在探討加油站業者所提供之加油之服務品質、顧客期望與認知及滿意度,藉由問卷調查蒐集新竹科學園區員工之加油者基本資料、服務品質、滿意度等資料後,進行資料分析,先以因素分析萃取出服務品質之構面,再透過變異數分析、成對T檢定進行各項檢定,另外以「重要性-績效分析」法繪製出服務品質屬性座標圖,以提供業者作進一步的行銷規劃。 研究結果顯示,對於加油站業者提供之加油之服務的服務品質,「顧客期望的服務品質」高過於「顧客認知的服務品質」;另外顧客人口統計變數在期望與認知之服務品質、顧客滿意上有顯著差異。
Due to the releasing the gas station business to individuals, it breaks the monopoly status of Chinese Petroleum Corporation market in Taiwan and creates the new competitive environment for the business. It is the critical task for gas station owners, such as avoiding the price competition and improving the service quality and customer satisfaction, to gain advantages of non-price competition and run the business. After reviewing lots of articles about concerning service quality, the thesis is about the theory of “Service Quality Model”, which was provided by Parasurman, Zethaml and Berry in 1985. The SERVQUAL scale that developed by Parasurman, Zethaml and Berry in 1988 and 1991 is also adopted. The purpose of this research is to investigate the key factors of gas station service quality , customer expectations, perception and satisfaction. The data of questionnaires were collected from the Hsinchu Science Park personnels’ and this study is analyzed by “Paired T Test”,“Factor Analysis”,“ANOVA Analysis”. After analyzing the data of questionnaires, the thesis rewards the service quality character evaluation picture with “Important-Performance Analysis” to offer the guidance towards gas station operators for marketing planning. The results of this research are as followings:(1)the service quality performance that customer expected is better than the service quality performance customer perceived;(2)in demography ,there are significantly difference of service quality, customer expectations, perception and satisfaction.