標題: 利用H-index分析資管領域著作表現-以MIS Quarterly為例
Applying H-index to Analyze Publication Performance in Information System Field-a Case Study of Publications in MIS Quarterly
作者: 李安蕙
Lee, An-Hui
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: h指數、ISI Web of Science、MIS Quarterly、明尼蘇達學派;h-index, ISI Web of Science, MIS Quarterly, clan of University of Minnesota
公開日期: 2008
摘要: H-index是最近幾年學術研究衡量重要指標,本研究根據MIS Quarterly期刊中高發表篇數的學者進行分析討論,並且探討其h-index的狀況,在資料分析過程中,提出幾點發現,並且經由ISI Web of Science網站的資料探勘結果,加以驗證。 研究結果顯示,資管領域學者研究合作發表乃為常態。在MIS Quarterly當中,明尼蘇達學派是最大的幫派行為,藉由社會網絡分析圖可以看出此一現象。另外,h-index的分析可以表示一個學者的出版質與量。對後續研究者而言,需要留意ISI Web of Science網站的一些問題,以免造成蒐集資料錯誤。
H-index is one of the most important indicators to evaluate the quality and quantity of a scholar. This study uses h-index to estimate the “high-publication scholar” in MIS Quarterly, one of the best journals of MIS field. Based on data collection and analysis, this study proposes some research findings. We also verify the data from ISI Web of Science. The findings show that the corporation of scholars is a normal situation in research. In MIS Quarterly, a clan of “University of Minnesota” has been forming for the past 40 years. We use social network analysis to prove this situation. On the other hand, h-index can justify the quality and quantity of a scholar. For the researchers, it must be very carefully to take care of the data accurate of ISI website to avoid wrong data collection.
Appears in Collections:Thesis