标题: 应用顺滑模态控制于微型音圈马达摩擦力补偿之研究
Friction Compensation of a Mini Voice Coil Motor by Sliding Mode Control
作者: 蔡庆隆
关键字: 音圈马达;顺滑模态控制;摩擦力补偿;非线性控制;非线性摩擦力;voice coil motor;sliding mode control;friction compensation;nonlinear control;nonlinear friction
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 本论文提出一顺滑模态控制器,用来补偿应用于照相手机CCM模组之内嵌导杆微型音圈马达之非线性摩擦力,以达精密之位置控制。有效的补偿线性摩擦力,此音圈马达就可不需要使用润滑油,如此便可提升其成本效能与可靠度效能。此音圈马达之机构全行程仅0.35mm或甚至更短,其非线性摩擦力是一非匹配式的干扰,且其控制精度是微米之要求。使用本论文提出之控制器,再加上对顺滑模态之状态方程式做极点配置,即使在有非匹配式的干扰的情况下,不管稳态误差之设计目标有多小,皆可达成。至于所提出之控制器之性能,首先搭配一音圈马达之物理模型,用电脑模拟的方式来验证,接着用实验结果来证明所提出之控制器能够避免传统PI控制器所导致之stick-slip 震荡。实验结果亦证明马达的到位速度与重现性优于一般的规格要求,并且验证把顺滑模态控制器的符号函数换成饱和函数可避免切跳现象。
This thesis presents a sliding mode controller to compensate for the nonlinear friction of mini voice-coil motor (VCM), which is embedded with guide pins, for position control in compact camera module (CCM) application. With the effectiveness of compensating the nonlinear friction, the lubrication oil can be removed from the VCM, and the performance of cost and reliability then can be improved. In the VCM, the actuator’s full stroke is only 0.35mm or less, nonlinear friction force falls into mismatched condition and um-level resolution is required. With the proposed controller, arbitrarily small steady state errors can be achieved by pole placement of the sliding mode state equation. The performance is firstly simulated with a physical VCM model. The experimental results are then presented to demonstrate the proposed controller is able to avoid stick-slip oscillation that usually yields when using a classic controller, such as PI controller. The experimental results also show that the performance of settling time and repeatability is better than nominal requirement and the undesired chattering can be remedied by replacing sign function with saturation function in the proposed control law.


  1. 752601.pdf

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