標題: 公共工程巨額採購競標策略之分析與探討
Investigation of competitive bidding strategies in large-scale public construction projects
作者: 謝振華
Shieh, Jann-Wha
Wang, Wei-Chih
關鍵字: 公共工程巨額工程採購;競標策略;個案研究;情境分析;public construction large-scale construction procurement;competitive bidding strategy;case study;scenario analysis
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 公共工程從規劃、設計、施工、營運、管理及維護等生命週期之作業規模往往相當龐大,況工程規模及環境日趨複、龐大且艱鉅,專案工程於施工管理中環環相扣,營造廠商需具有相當之執行大型且巨額工程之專案經驗。競標理論在學術研究上,已有許多文獻探討營造廠商在備標階段的相關研究,且提出其分析的模型。營造廠商在競標過程中的投標價與是否能夠得標案之間的關係;一直都是營建管理中重要的研究課題之一。而對營造廠商來說,能否獲得專案,且具合理之利潤空間,競標策略分析將會是營造廠商備標階段,於競標前之重要評估工作之一。 本研究主要探討現今營造產業在面對市場競爭的情況之下,對於巨額工程之採購,依法需於正式公告前辦理招標文件之公開閱覽,因此競標廠商於在標案正式公告前,即可影響主辦機關之招標條件,無形中增加可運用策略之種類及彈性,惟選擇競標策略包含大量情境知識,競標廠商除需考量標案特性及自身狀況外,亦需同時預判競標對手可能採取之手段,係極為複雜之決策程序。本研究以四個巨額採購之工程為分析案例,詳細介紹競標時之情境環境,並分析投標廠商在此其情境環境下,為影響招標條件及增加得標機會採用之策略類型,再配合決標後之檢討分析,探討競標廠商之得標及失敗原因,提供營造廠商從事投標作業之參考。研究結果顯示,營造廠商為增加得標機會,可採用刻意流標、不輕易亮牌及強迫修正招標文件等策略,且準確預測競爭對手動作及投標金額,再決定選擇適當之競標策略,係為投標廠商獲得標案之最主要因素,可作為日後提升及改善營造產業競標之參考。
The construction company must have more large amount purchases experience to execute the planning、design、construction、operation and maintain works in this increasingly complex of Public Construction Works. Also there are so many papers investigation in the competitive tender strategy and proposed the interrelated model for the construction company. It’s always an important research of Construction Management in view of the tendering price and how to win the tender. For construction company, to win the tender and to get the reasonable profit will be most evaluation work before preparing the tender. Now the construction industry had to face the market competitive of a large amount purchase. According to the specification, the competent authority was announced to hold an open reading of tendering document before the bid opened. Therefore the construction company may try to influence the original tendering document then easy to predict the strategy by other competitors at the same time. Also it’s more complex in this process of decision to consider between the cases feature and their ability. In this paper was using 4 cases of large amount purchase to describe the tender situation, and discuss with the reasons of success and failure. For the conclusion, in order to increase the tender opportunity, construction company try to make some strategies of the bid has failed deliberately or forcing the competent authority to revise the tendering document. So before making the appropriate decision, to predict the bid from other competitors and to win the tender will become a primary factor. Mentioned above, it will be an important reference material to promote the more competitors in Construction Industry.