標題: 台灣筆記型電腦製造商組裝廠區位選擇之關鍵因素分析
Exploring Key Factors of Locating Assembly Factory for Taiwanese Notebook Manufacturers
作者: 連鈺芳
Lien, Yu-Fang
Feng, Cheng-Ming
關鍵字: 區位選擇;分析層級程序法;筆記型電腦產業;Location Selection;Analytic Hierarchy Process;Notebook Industry
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 電子產業長期以來即在我國之產值佔有相當高之比重,近年來面對廠商大量外移,許多科技及電子大廠紛紛至海外設廠,我國政府應如何因應此一出走潮,改善當前之投資環境,以吸引台商再度回流,並進而吸引外資進駐,係為關鍵重要之課題。 本研究目的在探討影響台灣筆記型電腦製造商選擇組裝廠設廠區位時之關鍵因素。基此,本研究藉由問卷調查、分析層級程序法與深入訪談,獲得四個關鍵構面及八個關鍵因素,此一結果可作為政府吸引投資之參考。而這四個關鍵構面分別為「人力資源」、「經營環境」、「政府效能」及「運輸物流效能」。
For a long time, the electronic industry has always been a major industrial sector of economic development in Taiwan. In recent years, more and more companies seek to relocate their manufacturing business unit oversees for strengthening competitive advantages. It is extremely critical for the Taiwan government to rethink its economic policies and industrial development strategies as an attractive site concerning electronic component manufacturing and related investments. The purpose of this study is to investigate the key factors that influence the location decision of the assembly factory for Taiwan’s notebook manufacturers. Accordingly, this study conducts a questionnaire survey, employs analytic hierarchy process and an executing in-depth interview method to obtain the key location factors for Taiwanese notebook manufacturers locating assembly factories. The empirical results indicate that there are four critical aspects and eight criteria for the government to attract investment. These four critical aspects are human resources, operation environment, government efficiency, and the efficiency of transport logistics.