Title: | 自行車通勤之關鍵影響因素研析-以臺北都會區為例 Identifying Key Factors to Behavioral Intentions for Cycling to Work–A Case of Taipei Metropolitan |
Authors: | 鍾易良 Chung, Yi-Liang 邱裕鈞 Chiou, Yu-Chiun 管理學院運輸物流學程 |
Keywords: | 自行車通勤;重要-績效分析法;因素分析;迴歸分析;Cycling to work;Importance-performance analysis;Factor analysis;Regression analysis |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 由於氣候變遷及能源逐漸缺乏的狀況下,永續運輸的觀念逐漸受到民眾的重視。在這樣的趨勢之下,自行車儼然是對環境友善的一種運輸模式,並且開始受到世界各國的歡迎與重視。無庸置疑地,鼓勵民眾改以自行車作為通勤運具已成為兼顧環境保護以及全民身體健康的方式;然而,即便是在全台灣自行車通勤最為便利的臺北都會地區,每天實際使用自行車的通勤旅次行為仍低於5%。因此,本研究將以自行車生活化為前提,探討臺北都會區通勤族以自行車作為通勤運具的關鍵影響因素,並於隨後提出策略意涵及建議事項。
研究結果顯示,「騎乘環境面」為影響臺北都會區通勤族改以自行車通勤最為重要的因素。其他,尚包含「性別」、「教育程度」以及「通勤距離」也同為影響因素之一。 本研究並針對驗證結果提出政策意涵及建議事項因此,再借由迴歸分析探討諸多影響因素中的關鍵影響因素。而問卷設計經過預試及信度、效度分析形成正式問卷,最後以問卷調查的方式進行實證研究。 Due to the climate change and energy consumption, the public awareness of transport sustainability is rapidly growing. With such a trend, bicycle, an environmentally friendly transport mode, has become more and more popular worldwide. Undoubtedly, to encourage people choosing bicycles to work is beneficial to both environmental protection and public healthy. However, even in Taipei metropolitan, owning the most convenient environment for cycling to work in Taiwan, bicycle market share of daily trips is still below 5%. Therefore, it is imperial to identify the key factors affecting commuters’ behavioral intentions for cycling to work in Taipei metropolitan and then to propose strategies for improving the contributing factors. Based on this, this study aims to identify key factors for cycling to work by conducting an important and satisfaction questionnaire survey on commuters in Taipei Metropolitan. A total of 753 copies of questionnaires were disseminated with 268 valid questionnaires returned. The expectation-perception gaps of the cycling to work quality in Taipei are all significantly tested, implying that all service items need to be improved. To further identify the priority of improvement items, important- performance analysis (IPA) is used. Moreover, to investigate the relationships of these service gaps to the overall satisfaction, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is first used to extract constructs from a total of 27 items. The results of EFA show that a total of four constructs are extracted, including Riding Environment, Riding Convenience, Psychological Cognition, and Environment Issue. To identify the key factors affecting commuter’s behavioral intentions, represented by: willingness to cycle to work, willingness to recommend and cycling to work behavior, are then respectively regressed on four extracted constructs, demographic variables, and trip characteristics. The results show that the construct of Riding Environment has been identified as the most important factor affecting commuter’s behavioral intentions for cycling to work. However, gender, education, and trip distance are also identified as key factors. Based on these findings, policy implications as well as corresponding improvement strategies are then proposed. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/43874 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |