標題: 輔助資訊呈現方式應用在行動載具對學習成效與認知負荷之影響-以國二氧化還原反應為例
The Impacts on Learning Achievement and Cognitive Load of Displaying Methods of Auxiliary Information Applied to Mobile Devices - Using 8th Grade’s “Oxidation-Reduction” as an Example.
作者: 陳俊呈
Chen, Chun-Cheng
Chen, Deng-Jyi
關鍵字: 多媒體輔助教學;輔助資訊;認知負荷;學習成效;行動載具;Multimedia Assisted Instruction;Auxiliary Information;Cognitive Load;Learning Achievement;Mobile Devices
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 由於行動載具的螢幕較小,能呈現的資訊量也較少,因此對於學習者的學習產生了許多的影響與限制,而輔助資訊可以適當的提供一些圖片及說明文字等輔助學習的資訊來幫助學習,透過提供適當的相關輔助資訊可幫助學習者建立系統化的知識,所以對於小螢幕而言,輔助資訊對學習者所提供的輔助佔了一個重要的角色,而它的呈現順序及呈現方式也更顯重要。 本研究旨在探討輔助資訊在行動載具之多媒體教材的呈現方式對於學習者的學習成效與認知負荷的影響,本研究採用準實驗設計方法,實驗對象為台北縣一所國中4個班級的學生共112人,實驗教材為國二自然與生活科技「氧化還原反應」單元,本研究將課程依照圖文的配置方式,圖文的出現方式以及圖文的出現順序設計成七種不同型式的教材。將112位國中二年級的學生依前測成績分成七組,各組學生授予不同型式的教材進行學習,並評量學生的學習成效及認知負荷。 依據實驗數據統計分析的結果發現如下: (1)在行動載具上,不同的圖文出現順序對於學生的學習成效有顯著的差異,且「圖-文-文」出現順序的學習成效優於「文-文-圖」出現順序的學習成效。 (2)在行動載具上,不同的圖文配置方式對於學生的學習成效有顯著的差異,且圖文分開並列的學習成效優於圖文整合的學習成效。 (3)行動載具上,不同的圖文出現方式對於學生的學習成效有顯著的差異,且圖文 依序出現的學習成效優於圖文同時出現的學習成效。 (4)在行動載具上,不同的圖文出現順序對於學生的學習成效有顯著的差異,且「圖-文-文」出現順序的認知負荷低於「文-文-圖」出現順序的認知負荷。 (5)在行動載具上,不同的圖文配置方式對於學生的學習成效有顯著的差異,且圖文分開並列的認知負荷低於圖文整合的認知負荷。 (6)行動載具上,不同的圖文出現方式對於學生的學習成效有顯著的差異,且圖文 依序出現的認知負荷低於圖文同時出現的認知負荷。 由本研究實驗結果可知:行動載具上之輔助資訊的呈現方式,以「圖片-文字-文字」的出現順序最佳,圖文配置以圖文分列的配置方式最佳,出現方式以依序出現的方式最佳,配置及出現方式的配對組合以圖文分列搭配依序出現的方式最佳。 本研究的結果,可提供作為行動載具的多媒體教材圖文設計及編輯的參考,對於教材設計者在編輯行動載具的多媒體教材時,在圖文的出現順序、配置方式及出現的方式等方面,提供一些行動載具的多媒體教材編輯原則。
Due to the smaller screen of mobile device, the displayed information contents are less than it would have. Therefore, the learning impact to the learner tends to be various and restrictive. Nonetheless, the auxiliary information can adequately provide some pertinent information for learning like diagrams and text, etc, to assist in the learning process. Learners can establish systematic knowledge background through provided relevant auxiliary information. Thus, for the smaller screen, assistance provided by auxiliary information does play an important role. In addition, its displayed sequence and the method would create more important impacts to the learner. The purpose of this research intends to explore the scenarios, when auxiliary information is applied to mobile devices, what are the impacts to learning achievement and cognitive load for the learners, and these impacts were caused by two displaying methods via medias like pictures and texts. This research adopted methodology of Quasi-Experimental Designs, and the subjects of experimentation contain 112 students from four classes of junior high school in Taipei County. The experimenting teaching materials selected were the eighth grade “oxidation-reduction” unit from Natural Science and Life Technology. This research would design the courses into seven different types by observing the appearing method and the appearing sequence of photos, pictures and texts. 112 students of eighth grades were divided into seven teams based on pre-test scores. And each team of the students was taught with different types of teaching materials in addition to assessment of the student’s learning achievement as well as cognitive load. Based on the experimentation data analysis, the findings for this research are as follows: (1) In the area of mobile device, different appearing sequences for picture vs. text had significant differences as opposed to student’s learning achievement; in addition, the learning achievement in appearing sequence with “picture-text-text” was superior to that of “text-text-picture”. (2) In mobile devices, different disposition for picture vs. text exhibited significant difference for student’s learning achievement. In addition, the learning achievement observed from separately posting arrangement for the picture and text was superior to that from integrated posting arrangement. (3) In mobile devices, the different appearing patterns in picture and text exhibited significant differences in learning achievement. In addition, the picture and text appearing sequence rated in learning achievement was superior to that of simultaneous appearance with picture and text. (4) In mobile devices, the different appearing sequence of picture and text exhibited significant difference in the student’s cognitive load. In addition, the cognitive load for appearing sequence like “picture-text-text” was inferior to that of “text-text-picture” sequence. (5) In mobile devices, different picture-text disposition exhibited significant difference for student’s cognitive load; in addition, the cognitive load for separately posted picture-text arrangement was inferior to that from integrated posting of picture-text arrangement. (6) In mobile devices, different appearing pattern for picture-text exhibited significant difference for student’s cognitive load. In addition, the cognitive load for picture-text appearing sequence was inferior to that of simultaneous appearance of picture-text. From the experimental result, it can be learned that: The displaying format of auxiliary information on the mobile device would be rated best if presented in the sequence of “diagram-text-text”. And diagram-text disposition would be rated best if the diagram and text are separately arranged. The presentation approach would be rated best if sequentially presented. The matching group for disposition and the presentation approach would be rated best if the separate arrangements for diagram and text can match with the sequential presentation. Findings of this research can be used to provide as references for the designing and editing of multimedia assisted instruction in mobile devices application. Additionally, it can provide some of multimedia teaching material editing principles, which can assist the designer in editing multimedia materials of mobile devices, especially when facing the challenges from picture-text appearing sequence, disposition as well as the appearance pattern.


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