Title: | 影響台電公司火力電廠汽力機組熱效率之因素:以台中電廠為例 The Impact Factors of Thermal Efficiency of Taipower's Fossil Fuel Power Plant : Taichung Thermal Power Plant |
Authors: | 周志鴻 Chou, Chih-Hung 胡均立 Hu, Jin-Li 管理學院經營管理學程 |
Keywords: | 汽力機組;熱效率;熱耗率;能損分析法;複迴歸分析;脊迴歸;Steam Power Plants;Thermal Efficiency;Heat Rate;Energy-Loss Analysis Method;Multiple Regression Analysis;Ridge Regression |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 燃煤汽力機組發電量佔台電公司實際發電量的3成以上,如果能夠有效提升機組的發電效率,亦即降低機組發電時的熱耗率,對於台電公司發電成本的降低以及減少溫室氣體的排放之作用非常大。本研究搜集台電公司台中發電廠燃煤汽力機組#1~#8機的運轉數據進行分析,以最小平方法建立機組的熱耗率複迴歸模型,並使用脊迴歸處理變數間多元共線性的問題。所得到的熱耗率迴歸模型除可以作為機組的熱耗率預測工具外,還可以藉由對此熱迴歸模型的分析,提供台電公司改善機組效率時的參考依據。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、空氣入口溫度及循環水入口溫度兩項運轉參數對於機組熱效率的影響相當大,但卻屬於無法改善的環境因素,建議台電公司於建置新電廠時應審慎評估適當的廠址。 二、廠內用電對於熱耗率的重要性相當高,改善所需要的技術層面不僅比較低,所需要的改善成本相對於其他設備改善也比較低。建議台電公司應該優先就此項目改善。 三、基於熱效率的考量,汽力機組應盡量避免以低負載運轉;平時應該落實經常性維護計畫,以預防保養來矯正設備的異常,維持設備正常運轉,避免因為設備故障檢修而使機組降載運轉。 四、對於汽輪機低壓排汽壓力、汽輪機入口蒸汽溫度、汽輪機入口蒸汽壓力、汽輪機再熱蒸汽溫度、汽輪機再熱蒸汽壓力降等運轉參數,應該盡量維持在設計值上運轉,台電公司可以透過在職訓練的方式來加強值班人員的專業素質與操作能力。 五、由於鍋爐的運轉參數對熱效率影響的重要性均高於汽機方面的運轉參數,因此於改善機組熱效率時,應該優先進行鍋爐設備的改善。 The coal-fired power plants provide over 30% of the capacity of Taipower. Effectively enhancimg the efficiency of power plants can help reduce both the cost of power generation and the greenhouse gas emissions. In this research we collect and analyze the operational data of coal-fired steam turbine power units No.1~No.8 of Taichung Power Plant, in order to establish a multiple regression model of thermal efficiency. This research provides suggestions for Taipower company to improve its thermal efficiency. Our major empirical findings are: (1) The temperature of main steam, re-heat steam pressure drop and pressure of main steam significantly increase the thermal efficiency. (2) The temperature of the air inlet, temparture of the water inlet, in-plant electricity usage, re-heat steam temperature and exhaust pressure significantly worsen the thermal efficiency. Therefore, the Taipower caompany should select appropriate locations of fire-power plants, keep lodaings at the rated levels, reduce generation-irrelevant in-plant electricity usage, promote trainings of operating personnel, and improve the functions of boliers, etc., in order to enhance its thermal efficiency. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/43973 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |