Title: IEEE 802.16d長鏈及網格網狀網路之時槽排程設計
Mini-Slot Scheduling for IEEE 802.16d Chain and Grid Mesh Networks
Authors: 吳和程
Wu, Ho-Cheng
Tseng, Yu-Chee
Keywords: IEEE 802.16;全球互通微波存取;微時槽;排程;無線網狀網路;路由樹;IEEE 802.16;WiMAX;mini-slot;scheduling;wireless mesh network;routing tree
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 在本篇論文中,我們主要針對IEEE 802.16d Wireless Mesh Network
(WMNs)時槽排程議題,進行研究與探討。為能廣播排程的結果,有效率的排程是需要將transmission overhead、scheduling complexity 以及signaling overhead 等因素納進考慮。在許多無線網路環境的應用上,chain及grid-based WMNs 是基本的網狀拓墣,對此架構我們相當感興趣,因此我們提出一種具有低複雜度及低信號浪費等特徵的排程機制。比較目前已提出的方案,我們的方法提出低耗費成本排程機制的貢獻,此方法係利用定期且規律的資源分配策略,藉由找到最佳化傳輸資料的長度來使transmission overhead 與pipeline efficiency 達到平衡, 來達到近似最佳的 transmission latencies,並且我們的排程機制是非常實際且容易建置的。模擬的結果顯示,我們提出的方法在computational complexity 方面與目前已提出的方案相較,有相當大地改善,同時維持相似或者更高transmission latencies。
This work considers the mini-slot scheduling problem in IEEE 802.16d wireless mesh networks (WMNs). An efficient mini-slot scheduling needs to take into account the transmission overhead, the scheduling complexity, and the signaling overhead to broadcast the scheduling results. We are interested in chain and grid WMNs, which are the basic topologies of many applications. We propose scheduling schemes that are featured by low complexity and low signaling overhead. Compared to existing works, this work contributes in developing low-cost schemes to find periodical and regular schedules that achieves near-optimal transmission latencies by balancing between transmission overhead and pipeline efficiency and that are more practical and easier to implement. Simulation results show that our schemes significantly improves over exiting works in computational complexity while maintain similar or better
transmission latencies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis