標題: 於光纖同軸混合型網路上自動救援纜線數據機出廠資料之方法
An Auto-Recover Method for the Factory Data of Cable Modem over the HFC Network
作者: 張屹銘
Chang, Yi-Ming
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
關鍵字: 網路編碼;光纖同軸混合型網路;出廠資料;檔案回復;Network Coding;HFC Network;Factory data;File Recovery
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 隨著有線電纜資料服務介面規範(DOCSIS, Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications ) 產品的普及化,以及大量產品安裝到客戶端的情況下,如何保持產品的 品質以及快速修復有問題的量產產品,已經成為企業一個重要的課題。 在實務中某些情況之下,纜線數據機的出廠資料以及數位認證(Digital Certificate) 等出廠資料會消失或損壞,根據傳統的手法,若是纜線數據機的這些有獨特性的出廠資料損 失因而造成校準表等各個數據機獨有的資料無法修復,就只有送回工廠一途,不只運送時間 過久要恢復這些資料也是十分的曠日費時。本論文的目的就是實現一種可以在線上提供資料 復原的方法,CAROL (Cable modem Auto-Recovery Online) 。 透過 Organic Computing 的精神,讓依照 DOCSIS 標準上線的產品,可以在我們的系統以 Network coding為解碼編 碼方式所提供的服務下,順利的恢復重要的資料。我們的目標是能夠做到利用各個在線的裝 置所沒有用的到儲存空間,來互相保護重要的資料,因而能降低裝置回到產線來修復的比率。 關於實驗的部份,我們使用業界常用的測試方式,透過有有公信力的軟硬體設備,來驗 證復原資料的正確性,實驗結果是能完整地重新獲得原本該有的出廠資料。整體而言,經由 本論文所提供的方法與系統服務,只要能夠在纜線數據機內實現,並且透過在系統業者端針 對需求所下的設定,就能夠有效的提昇纜線數據機的可靠度。
With the popularization of the DOCSIS (Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications) product, more and more devices are already installed in client side. The topic of how to maintain the quality and the speed of repairing becomes more and more important. In some practical circumstances, the cable modem may loss the factory data which includes the calibration table and the digital certificates. These are unique and vital for the regular function of cable modem. In the traditional way of repairing this kind of product is shipping it back to the maintenance branch. We would like to present a solution to avoid time waste. It is named CAROL (Cable modem Auto-Recovery Online). Within this thesis, we focus on applying the concept of Organic Computing and make good use of the advantages of Network Coding, then we could propose a really implementable method based on a common system over DOCSIS network to make the cable modem auto recover their unique calibration tables, digital certifications. Our goal is to make all of the process happen in client side, and simplified the multiple system operator's workload and it will be no necessity to conduct the routine maintenance in low-level system behavior. Thus we can reduce the probability of sending the cable modem back to factory. In our practice, we use the famous utility to measure the throughput of the CM which gets the recovered factory data, and it proved our method in the results.


  1. 953901.pdf

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