標題: | 市場導向、資源投入與產品創新程度對新產品績效的影響 -以MBA學生執行EStrat9商業網路策略競賽為例 The Effect of Market Orientation, Resource Input and Product Innovation on the Performance of New Product- Analysis of MBA Students with EStrat9 Business Strategy Simulation |
作者: | 丁璽禎 Ting, Shi-Chen 唐瓔璋 Tang, Ying-Chan 企業管理碩士學程 |
關鍵字: | 市場導向;資源投入;產品創新程度;新產品績效;Market Orientation;Resource Input;Product Innovation;New Product Performance |
公開日期: | 2008 |
摘要: | 企業推出新產品做為企業永續經營的策略之一。新產品的推出需要投入大量的資源。新產品上市成功有助於企業的成長,然而新產品推出的失敗率卻高達80%以上。本研究以市場導向、資源投入與產品創新程度等三個構念,結合MBA學生執行EStrat9商業網路策略競賽的決策結果與問卷測量,探討此三個構念對新產品績效的影響。本研究得到以下推論:第一、重視市場導向的決策者對於新產品績效有正向的影響。第二、市場導向對產品創新程度有顯著的正向影響,然而由於決策期數短,短期之內產品創新程度在此遊戲中對於市場導向與新產品績效不具中介效果。第三、研發資源的投入對於市場導向與新產品績效有正向調節的影響。第四、遊戲參賽者在新產品的資源投入決策中,遊戲參賽者傾向將大量的資源投入在研發上,並「一步到位」將產品屬性做到最好後再導入市場,推出殺手級產品,屬於產品導向的決策者。遊戲參賽者在遊戲中所代表的公司「Prima」,在電腦模擬遊戲中為市場主導者,殺手級的新產品再加上公司在市場上的主導地位,原本在市場上具有一定的知名度,短期之內新產品的導入可能因此在市場上提高市占率。 然而,在實務經驗上,企業決策者若只偏重推出屬性最好的產品而將資源大量投入在研發上,忽略將資源有效投入在行銷上,新產品可能因而無法在市場上長期生存。新產品上市若要保有良好的績效,除了對市場有深入的了解並掌握市場需求、結合公司的創新能力、有效地將資源投入在研發與行銷上來提升新產品績效,進而有機會提升新產品的績效。 Enterprises continuously release new products as a strategy for pursuing sustainable development. Developing new products are required to invest huge resources. Nevertheless, the failure rate of new product release is higher than 80%. This study is to explore the effect of market orientation, resource input and product innovation on the performance of new product by investigating the questionnaire survey and the data from EStrat9 business strategy simulation which is executed by MBA students. This study obtains following results: First, the performance on new product is positively influenced by the decision maker taking importance on market orientation. Second, product innovation significantly is influenced by market orientation. However, in this study, product innovation is not the mediator of market orientation and the performance on new product thanks to short decision periods. Third, market orientation and the performance on new product are positively moderated by R&D resource input. Fourth, the simulation participants tend to allocate great deal of resources on R&D and pursue to develop new product with excellent attributes in one time for releasing killer product in the market. The simulation participants are thus inclined to be product orientated. The simulation participants represent “Prima”which is the market leader in this simulation game and has earned certain market share, the new product could thus increase market share in the short time. In practice, new product might not be capable to sustainably survive if corporate decision makers merely allocate great deal of resources on R&D but ignore the importance of resource input on marketing. To prevent new product become shooting star and with short life span, corporate decision makers should advance the performance on new product by manipulating the capability of market orientation, product innovation and well allocate resources on R&D and marketing. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/44122 |
Appears in Collections: | 畢業論文 |