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dc.contributor.authorChen, Chien-Ien_US
dc.contributor.authorTseng, Yu-Chungen_US
dc.description.abstract科技與音樂的結合從電腦音樂的創作與展演,至當前正在發展的電腦合奏樂團,均反映了當下世界的趨勢與潮流。透過兩者的整合運用,不但能滿足音樂家們以科技延伸音樂表達與追求創新的慾望,也同時也讓許多科技人能進入音樂的領域,以科技作為音樂的表達工具,提昇人文素養與心靈層次上的薰陶。 高速計算的電腦發展越來越蓬勃,讓電腦之間的訊息溝通不再是複雜且困難的技術,這樣的演進使得電腦可以類似傳統管弦樂團的合奏形式變得可行,因此,一種全新的音樂合奏模式-數位樂團(Laptop Orchestra)逐漸孕育成形。 CLOrk(Chiao-tung Laptop Orchestra)是一個整合筆記型電腦和感應器的樂團。在國外,數位樂團(Laptop Orchestra)已行之有年,例如:普林斯頓大學的PLOrk、史丹佛大學的SLOrk、McGill大學Digital Orchestra、俄羅斯的CybLOrk、德國柏林的BLOrk及挪威奧斯陸的OLOrk...等。在這些樂團中,所有成員皆配備有一台筆記型電腦、感應器、及一個多方向的輸出喇叭系統。利用Max/MSP音樂程式、C++或其他程式語言做為其展演介面功能之設計,藉以模擬各樣的實體樂器,透過現場即時表演的方式,展現出另一種截然不同的音樂合奏面貌。 在本論文中,CLOrk將會是台灣所有的大學當中第一個成立之數位樂團。我們將參考各國團隊之發展經驗,把CLOrk從硬體設備採購、軟體程式寫作、團員招募以及樂團之練習過程與成果展示做一個詳盡的紀錄,最後,統整歸納計劃執行的優缺點,以提供日後其他大學成立此一類型樂團的參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the creations and performance of computer music to the developing computer performed ensembles, which are now expressing the new trend of the world. Employing and integrating both music and computer technology can not only satisfy musicians who want to extend the expressions of music and seek for their desire of innovations, but also allow technologists to devote to such field and express music with tech-tools. Furthermore, people can elevate the quality of human culture. Due to the development of computer with high-speed process, which makes group-communication of musical messages be possible. On the other hand, musician always keeps searching for new ways and modes of musical expression. For instance, people make use of technology to extend musical composition and performance. Even, now day developed small computer music ensemble reflects the tendency. As a result, a new mode of ensemble-the laptop orchestra appears. In the western countries, the laptop orchestra have been developed for years such as PLOrk (from Princeton University), SLOrk (from Stanford University), Digital Orchestra (from McGill University), CybLOrk (from Russia), BLOrk (from Berlin, Germany), OLOrk (from Oslo, Norway) …etc.. In the orchestra, each crew owns a laptop computer, equipped with sensors and multi-channel speakers. The composers apply software (ex.Max/MSP, C++ and other programming languages) to simulate the real instruments, and the whole orchestra interpret the music instantly to create a new performance mode. The CLOrk (Chiao-Tung Laptop Orchestra) will be built up based on these concepts. In the project, CLOrk will be the first laptop orchestra in Taiwan. Thus, we will refer the predecessors’ experience for building up such orchestra. We will also record and analyze the details of the project including hardware building, member recruiting, and the rehearsals. Furthermore, we hope the efforts of constructing CLOrk orchestra will become a valuable experience for people also interest.en_US
dc.subjectLaptop Orchestraen_US
dc.subjectComputer Musicen_US
dc.subjectMusic Ensembleen_US
dc.subjectElectronic Musicen_US
dc.titleIntegrated Application of Technology and Music: CLOrk Laptop Orchestraen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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