标题: 以氧化钙掺杂氧化锆层于单极性电阻转态效应之研究
Unipolar resistive switching behavior of ZrO2 memory thin film with CaO:ZrO2
作者: 黄泰源
Huang, Tai-Yuan
Tseng, Tseung-Yuen
关键字: 电阻记忆体;单极性;氧化锆;RRAM;resistive switching;unipolar;ZrO2
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 随着科技越来越进步, 各种消费性电子产品的发展快速,各种产品所需要的记忆体容量越来越大,而其中不需要电源供应仍能储存资料的非挥发性记忆体,也渐渐受到瞩目。其中,电阻式非挥发性记忆体具有高密度、高操作速度、低功率消耗、高耐久性、可微缩化、非破坏性读取资料、能符合现在CMOS制程以及结构简单等特性,因此有机会取代flash memory,使其成为次世代非挥发性记忆体的热门选择。
Many kinds of consumer electrical commercial products are becoming more and more popular following with the development of the technology. All kinds of products need the memory, especially non-volatile memory, which can store data without power. The resistive switching random access memory (RRAM) is one of the next generational memories that have the chance to become the mainstream. It has the advantages of high cell density, high operation speed, low power consumption, high endurance, lower scale limit, non-destructive readout, and easy processing that can fit in the CMOS process, so it is one of the potential substitutions for flash memories.
In this thesis, the resistive switching characteristics are investigated based on the Ti/CaO:ZrO2/ZrO2/Pt structure, and the research focus on some issues. First, the top electrodes are changed. Second, the doped concentration of CaO:ZrO2 and the deposition time of CaO:ZrO2 are changed. In the end, we will change the structure to understand the mechanism of unipolar switching.

First, we use the various top electrodes to compare the DC sweep cycles, and the suitable condition is Ti top electrode. In the second part, the concentration of the CaO:ZrO2 is changed to four concentrations:0.03at%,0.06at%,0.12at%and0.16at%. The optimal value is 0.12at%, so the following research will be focused on 0.12at%. In the third part, the deposition time of the CaO:ZrO2 is changed to three kinds:5min,10min and 15min.The proper time is 5min.Therefore,the best condition for our structure is Ti/CaO:ZrO2(0.12at% 5min)/ZrO2/Pt. The performance of the structure is good. DC sweep cycle times can over 300 times; retention test is 106s; and there is no data loss at the nondestructive readout test for over 50000 seconds. In the end, the purpose is to know the mechanism of the RRAM, so the structure is changed. First, it is necessary for double layer. Second, the top electrode is necessary to contact on the doped layer. The results will be discussed on the thesis in the following chapters. This thesis is not only improving the unpolar switching but searching for the possible mechanism for the unipolar switching.