标题: 異质方向性感测器自我布署问题之研究
Heterogeneous Directional Sensors Self-Deployment Problem in a Bounded Monitoring Area
作者: 陈冠桦
Chen, Kuan-Hua
关键字: 方向性感测器布署;感测覆盖率;虚拟边界力矩;directional sensors deployment;sensing coverage;virtual boundary torques
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 良好的感测器布署方式能使网路获得有效的监控能力。不同于以往的全向性感测器,方向性感测器的感测范围不只与感测半径(距离)有关,并且也与感测器的方向和感测器的感测角度大小有关。基于材质与制作流程等之各种因素,不同的感测距离和感测角度大小是有可能存在在方向性感测器上的。而我们发现在方向性感测器网路里,如果感测器只有旋转而没有移动能力时,是无法有效的提升整体感测覆盖率的,因此在此篇论文里,我们针对可移动且可旋转的异质方向性感测器作讨论,利用我们所提出的基础布署演算法和最佳化布署演算法能够在欲监控范围中完成自我布署且提升整体感测覆盖率。
在基础布署演算法中,我们将不同的感测半径与感测角度大小的方向性感测器对应到不同感测半径的虚拟全向性感测器,并利用这些虚拟全向性感测器计算出各个方向性感测器的下个位置而完成自我布署以提升整体覆盖率。而在最佳化布署演算法里我们提出了一个全新的概念:virtual boundary torques,藉由virtual boundary torques我们除了可以更有效的提升感测覆盖率外,也可以减少因感测器移动过多距离所产生的能量消耗。最后的模拟结果证实了我们的最佳化布署机制能够减少移动时所产生的能量耗损并提供令人满意的监控能力。
Good deployment of sensors empowers the network with effective monitoring ability. Different from omnidirectional sensors, the coverage region of a directional sensor is determined by not only the sensing radius (distance), but also its sensing orientation and spread angle. Heterogeneous sensing distances and spread angles are likely to exist among directional sensors, to which we refer as heterogeneous directional sensors. In this thesis, we target on a bounded monitoring area and deal with heterogeneous directional sensors equipped with locomotion and rotation facilities to enable the sensors self-deployment. Our base and optimized deployment algorithms are proposed to achieve high sensing coverage ratio in the monitored field. These algorithms leverage the concept of virtual forces (for sensors movements) and virtual boundary torques (for sensors rotations). Performance results demonstrate that our optimized deployment mechanism is capable of providing desirable surveillance level, while consuming moderate moving and rotating energy.