標題: 使用單軸、雙軸控制輸入之振動式陀螺儀系統
MEMS gyroscope system using single-axis/dual-axis control input
作者: 李嘉緯
Lee, Chia-Wei
Chen, Tsung-Lin
關鍵字: 微機電陀螺儀;狀態觀察器;瑕疵補償;角速度;Mems Gyroscope;State Observer;Imperfection Compensation;Angular Rate
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本文中的機械結構瑕疵包含:因製造過程造成的機械結構尺寸的誤差(不確定性)、因結構設計造成的陀螺儀動態的非理想性。本文中的感測介面與感測電路瑕疵包含:因光罩擺放所造成的誤差、運算放大器的電壓偏移量、因導線產生的寄生電容。本文的做法是將機械結構、感測介面的瑕疵與感測電路非理想效應所造成的影響整理成為未知的系統參數包括:系統質量、剛性係數、阻尼係數、訊號比例常 數(scale factor)、訊號偏壓飄移量(signal drifts)。 本文主要分為兩部分,一是沒有考慮感測電路的情況下,設計一狀態觀察器,並於單軸(驅動軸)輸入兩頻率的訊號或是兩頻率以上的訊號,以訊號處理的方式(軟體)來估測出陀螺儀動態與系統未知參數及待量測的角速度。因此,不需要兩軸控制輸入,不需要事先知道陀螺儀質量塊的重量。預計可大幅降低微機電陀螺儀的製造成本與技術 門檻,進而使得微機電陀螺儀可廣泛應用於各式電子產品。二是考慮感測電路且具有電路瑕疵的情況下,設計一狀態觀察器,於兩軸給予控制輸入,以訊號處理的方式來估測出陀螺儀動態與系統未知參數(包含訊號比例常數、訊號偏壓飄移量)及待量測的角速度,並補償其為理想陀螺儀動態系統,進而無須透過積分運算,直接估測待測物的角度。
The mechanical structure imperfections and circuit imperfections greatly affect the performance of a gyroscope system. Normally this problem is lessened by physically tooling the hardware structures, for example, expensive fabrication facilities, post-fabrication processes, and complicated circuit designs. The disadvantages of doing so are costly. Recently, more and more research proposed using control methods (software approaches) to compensate the effect resulting from those imperfections and obtain correct angular rates because they can be very cost effective. However, those approaches often require a gyroscope system equipped with dual-axis control inputs and the mass of the proof mass must be known beforehand. The existing commercial gyroscopes only equips with single axis control input. Thus, those existing compensation methods can not apply.
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