标题: 适应性干扰观测器与适应性预测干扰观测器应用于一阶稳定时延系统消除未知的确定性干扰
Adaptive DOB and Adaptive PDOB Applied to Stable First-Order Plus Delay Process to Reject Unknown Deterministic Disturbance
作者: 孙健玮
Sun, Jian-Wei
Lee, An-Chen
关键字: 适应性干扰观测器;适应性预测干扰观测器;adaptive disturbance observer;adaptive predictive disturbance observer
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 本论文提出适应性干扰观测器(Adaptive Disturbance Observer, ADOB)与适应性预测干扰观测器(Adaptive Predictive Disturbance Observer, APDOB),消除非时延系统与时延系统中的未知确定性干扰,此架构是基于适应性控制中的自适应性控制器的概念(Self- Tuning Regulator, STR),结合干扰观测器或预测干扰观测器与最小平方递回遗忘因子法(Recursive Least Squares with exponential forgetting),估测系统的参数与控制器Q的参数r,藉由更新参数,克服模型不确定性与消除未知的确定性干扰,当系统有时间延迟不确定性时,增加可变回归估测法(Variable Regress Estimation, VRE),消除时间延迟不确定性。为了调整系统的伺服响应,所以在非时延系统的外回路增加PI控制器,在时延系统的外回路增加修改型史密斯预测器(Modified Smith predictor)。本文所提出的架构对于一阶稳定非时延系统与一阶稳定时延系统能消除未知的确定性干扰与模型不确定性且维持良好的输出响应,最后将控制架构应用于永磁无刷线性导轨,考量受到量测误差的影响,因此修改控制架构,以补偿系统所受到的干扰及不确定性。
This thesis proposed Adaptive Disturbance Observer (ADOB) and Adaptive Predictive Disturbance Observer (APDOB) to reject unknown deterministic disturbance of non-delay system and delay system. This structure is designed based on one of the concepts of adaptive control, Self-tuning Regulator (STR), and constructed by combining Disturbance Observer or Predictive Disturbance Observer with Recursive Least-Squares with exponential forgetting to estimate the system parameters and parameters r of controller Q. The system can overcome model uncertainty and reject unknown deterministic disturbance by updating parameters. Apply Variable Regress Estimation (VRE) to eliminate time delay uncertainty when the system has time delay uncertainty. In order to adjust the servo performance of the system, we add PI controller in outer loop for non-delay system and Modified smith predictor in outer loop for delay system. A control structures proposed by this thesis can reject unknown deterministic disturbance and model uncertainty to maintain a good output performance for stable first-order non-delay system and stable first-order delay system. Finally, the control structure can apply to the P.M. linear motor. The problem of measurement noise must be concerned. Therefore, we modified the control structure to compensate the uncertainty and disturbance.