標題: 以有限元素法探討加勁板於柱基板行為之影響
Investigation of Effects of Stiffeners on Behavior of Column Base Plates using Finite Element Method
作者: 施柏安
Shih, Po-An
Chen, Cheng-Chih
關鍵字: 柱基板;加勁板;有限元素;column base plate;stiffener;finite element method
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究針對受軸力與彎矩作用之柱基板,以加勁板位置、加勁板斜率與柱基板厚度作為參數,利用有限元素分析軟體 ANSYS 探討加勁板對柱基板接頭行為之影響。研究結果顯示,斜率較低之加勁板對於柱基板加勁之效果較不明顯,而當加勁板之位置位於柱翼板端點時,可降低柱基板之應力與改善拉力側銲道應力集中之現象。當柱基板經由配置適當之加勁板後,可有效地使鋼柱之塑鉸外移。利用 AISC 設計手冊設計之柱基板,經由配置適當之加勁板後,可使其柱基板厚度作適度之折減。
This study aims to investigate, using finite element method, the effects of stiffeners on behavior of column base plates subjected to axial load and bending moment. Parameters considered in the analysis included stiffener location, slope of the stiffener, and thickness of the base plate. Analysis results indicated that small slope of the stiffener had insignificant effect on the base plate. However, the stiffeners located at the tip of the column flange can diminish the stress state of the base plate as well as the stress concentration occurred at the weld for the column flange. Moreover, the plastic hinge occurred on the column can be shift up through the use of the stiffeners. The stiffeners can also reduce the design thickness of the base plate calculated using the AISC design specifications.


  1. 650201.pdf

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