Title: 高分子安定藍相液晶性質之研究
Study on Polymer-Stabilized Blue Phase Liquid Crystal
Authors: 李家圻
Lee, Chia-Chi
Pan, Ru-Pin
Keywords: 藍相;液晶;高分子安定;Blue Phase;Liquid Crystal;Polymer-Stabilized
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 液晶的藍相介於各向同性及膽固醇相之間,溫度範圍約1-2℃,因此應用上較為困難。藉由加入高分子單體並進行光聚合作用後,可以藉由高分子聚合物穩定液晶的藍相結構,大幅的增加藍相的溫度範圍,稱為高分子安定藍相液晶。 本實驗中成功的配置並觀察到藍相液晶,並利用加入高分子單體,及使用氙燈或410nm波段之LED燈進行光聚合作用後,成功的增加了所配置的藍相液晶的溫度範圍。反應時間的測量上也成功的看到次毫秒的反應時間,並且發現以LED進行光聚合的樣品總反應時間會小於使用氙燈進行光聚合的樣品。在偏光顯微鏡下進行外加電壓實驗時,發現樣品在外加大電壓時有發生結構受到改變的狀況。
The Blue phase of liquid crystal is often observed in a very narrow temperature range (1~2℃) between cholesteric and isotropic phase. The temperature range can be expanded by polymerizing a mixture of monomer that could localized the at the disclination lines. This liquid crystal is called “polymer stabilized blue phase liquid crystal”. In this work, the blue phase of liquid crystal has been mixed and observed. After the monomer is polymerized by Xenon arc lamp and 410nm LED, the temperature range of blue phase is successfully expanded. The response time of cell with blue phase liquid crystal is around sub-millisecond. The response time of polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal which is polymerized by 410nm LED is shorter than by Xenon arc lamp. However, the structure of the blue phase observed by the cross polarizing microscope is changed when the strong voltage is applied.
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