Title: 探討霍氏格里蒙菌中熱穩定性溶血素之原始型與突變型生化活性與生物物理特性的差異
Biological and Biophysical Characterization of Wild-type and Mutated Thermostable Direct Hemolysin from Grimontia hollisae
Authors: 吳宜芳
Wu, Yi-Fang
Wu, Tung-Kung
Keywords: 熱穩定性溶血素;霍氏格里蒙菌;Thermostable Direct Hemolysin;Grimontia hollisae
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 熱穩定溶血素(Thermostable direct hemolysin, TDH)在腸炎弧菌中被認為是最主要的毒性因子。霍氏格里蒙菌所產生的熱穩定溶血素已經成功被表現、純化及被定義其生化特性。然而由於我們所取得的菌株(G. hollisae BCRC 15890),其所產生的TDH與發表在NCBI上的TDH(G. hollisae 9041)在其胺基酸序列上有所出入。最主要的差異是位在胺基酸53, 59以及63號的這三個位置。同時我們也發現兩者在生化特性上有很大的差異,最明顯的就是在G. hollisae BCRC 15890與V. parahaemolyticus 產生的TDH同樣擁有相似的生化性質,而G. hollisae 9041則否。當蛋白質加熱至85oC以上再經快速降溫過程到4度時,此蛋白質的溶血活性可以回復至先前未經處理時的百分之八十以上;但當蛋白質加熱在60oC與80oC之間,快速冷卻後此時的蛋白質卻不具有溶血活性,這一種現象我們稱之為Arrhenius effect。此效應存在至今已約100年,到現在一直無法被解釋為何蛋白質有如此特殊的現象。在這裡我們試圖利用此兩種不同性質的蛋白質來探討令人難以解釋的現象。
首先我們利用分生技術將53, 59,以及63三個位置分別做單點、雙點以及三點突變。包括野生型總共可以獲得八種蛋白質。接著我們利用DSC去探討各個蛋白質的相轉變溫度。接著利用CD觀察各個蛋白質經由升溫所導致相轉變的過程中其二級結構是如何變化的。最後利用紅血球及AGS 細胞株觀察各個蛋白質其對溶血以及對細胞的影響。我們獲得的初步結論是,單一點突變的蛋白質會使得蛋白質結構較不穩定,但其依然保有Arrhenius effect;雙點突變53及59或59及63位置會使得蛋白質喪失原本具有Arrhenius effect的現象,而三點突變的蛋白質亦會具有相同的結果。而雙點突變在53及63位置在升溫過程時其二級結構變化會介於具有Arrhenius effect蛋白與不具有Arrhenius effect蛋白之間。我們認為Arrhenius effect的有無關鍵與蛋白質結構的穩定度有一定的關聯性。由CD結果得知,擁有Arrhenius effect的蛋白質在高溫狀況下其二級結構相較於喪失Arrhenius effect蛋白質還要鬆散,所以在經由快速降溫的過程中蛋白質得以重新摺疊成具有溶血功能的構形;在喪失Arrhenius effect 的蛋白質中我們發現這些蛋白質在加熱60oC以上時,其二級結構的構形皆會維持在α-helix且其含量不受溫度的影響。我們認為這些蛋白質結構在高溫下並沒有被打開,所以在冷卻後其構形依然維持在60oC的纖維化型態(fiber form)。有趣的是,這樣的結果與先前的報導不盡相同。在細胞毒性以及溶血活性方面皆以雙點突變53以及63最為嚴重。這些蛋白質對於細胞及紅血球有不同程度的傷害性,就先前的研究指出其可能與結合到細胞膜表面上的特定物質有關係或與蛋白質形成四聚體(tetramer)的能力有關係。綜合上結果得知,就G. hollisae TDH而言,當其53, 59,及63此三個位置經突變效應後,確實在其生化特性或結構方面會受到不同程度的影響。
The recombinant thermostable direct hemolysin from Grimontia hollisae (G.h-rTDH) exhibited an “Arrhenius effect”, from which it was detoxified by heating at approximately 60-70oC, but reactivated its functional activity by additional heating above 80oC, coupled with a rapid cooling treatment. In order to characterize this paradoxical phenomenon, we compared the tdh gene from the difference species of Grimontia hollisae listed in a database and used sequence alignment to identify the critical residues. In addition, we used site-directed mutagenesis to construct the corresponding TDH mutants and obtained various mutated proteins via chromatographic purification. In this study herein, we investigated the individual or collective mutational effect on Tyr53, Thr59, and Ser63 positions of G.h-rTDH to characterize the Arrhenius effect, hemolytic activity, and the biophysical properties of various mutants, respectively. In contrast to the G.h-rTDH wild-type (G.h-rTDHWT) protein, no Arrhenius effect was detected from the G.h-rTDHY53H/T59I and G.h-rTDHT59I/S63T double-mutants, as well as the G.h-rTDHY53H/T59I/S63T triple-mutant. These mutants also exhibited a different hemolytic activity compared to that observed for the G.h-rTDHWT protein. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results consistently showed that the Arrhenius effect-losing and -retaining mutants exhibited higher and lower endothermic transition temperatures (Tm) than that of the G.h-rTDHWT, respectively. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements indicated the partial decrease of β–sheet structures near the endothermic transition temperature, consistent with the conformational change of the Arrhenius effect-losing and -retaining protein. Moreover, we also evaluated its toxic effects by assessing their cytotoxic activities against in AGS cells.
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