Title: 利用生物程序去除廢氣中的丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯
Removal of Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate by Biofiltration Process
Authors: 蔡培元
Tsai, Pei-Yuan
Tseng, Ching-Ping
Keywords: 生物洗滌塔;生物濾床;平板式生物洗滌塔;丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯;Bioscrubber;Biofilter;Plate membrane bioscrubber;PGMEA
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本研究目的是要找出適用於常見之生物反應器的最佳化操作模式,因此測試生物濾床、生物洗滌塔和平板式生物洗滌塔對PGMEA的去除效果。當PGMEA的進流濃度在100~300ppm,滯留時間為20秒時,觀察到生物濾床和生物洗滌塔分別有98%和93%的平均移除效能,移除負荷分別為 212 g/m3/hr and 258 g/m3/hr。平板式洗滌塔方面,當滯留時間為20秒,進流濃度在100~300ppm時,其平均移除率可以達到93%,移除負荷為150 g/m3/hr。 在生物洗滌塔和平板式生物洗滌塔方面,探討不同初始植種量對去除PGMEA之影響,結果顯示,當初始菌株植種量為109 CFU/mL時,對生物洗滌塔的影響較為顯著,使得反應器貫穿後即可達到90%以上的去除效果,但對平板式生物洗滌塔的影響較不明顯。當添加不同的濾料至生物濾床和生物洗滌塔時,發現添加額外的濾料至生物洗滌塔,可以縮短生物洗滌塔達到90%以上去除率所需的時間,但是對於生物濾床的影響則不顯著。對不同液氣比之研究方面,發現生物洗滌塔之灑水量為800 mL/min時,去除PGMEA的能力與灑水量為1900 mL/min相當,平均去除率皆可高達97%以上;平板式生物洗滌塔每分鐘灑水量為1900 mL時,平均去除率為99%,即使灑水量縮減為800 mL/min,待反應器運作五天左右,其去除率仍可達到98%以上,顯示兩者皆能有效且穩定地去除PGMEA。以不同氮源培養V1菌株之實驗結果顯示,以(NH4)2SO4作為培養基的氮源令V1菌株生長較為迅速,與其他培養基配方相比快約一倍的速率,可以大幅縮短反應器固定化時間,減少被汙染的機會。 本研究結果所得之最佳化操作參數,有助於實場規模反應器的建造,以提高整體運作效率並縮短固定化時間,達到最有效的運作方式。
This research is aimed to establish an effective biofiltration process which applys to remove the water-soluble organic waste gases emission from semiconductors and photonics industry. The target pollutant is focus on propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PGMEA), which is harmful for human body, especially for liver and kidney. The objective of this study is to estimate the removal efficiency in different conditions by three kinds of biofiltration processes. The data showed that it could remove 100-300 ppm PGMEA for 98% removal efficiency (RE) in biofilter system, 93% in bioscrubber system with retention time (RT) in 20 seconds, and 93% RE in plate membrane bioscrubber system with RT in 30 seconds. The elimination capacity achieved 212, 258 and 150 g-PGMEA/m3/hr for biofilter, bioscrubber and plate membrane bioscrubber, respectively. In addition, to study the effect of amount of seeding in bioscrubber and plate membrane bioscrubber. It showed that high amount of seeding (over 109 CFU/ml) was helpful for high RE (up to 98%) and stable for operation. Finally, we estimated the addition of extra packing materials in biofilter and bioscrubber. The data showed that the bioscrubber with extra packing materials could achieve RE 90% in short time, while there was no difference in biofilter. Therefore, the optimal operation parameters for removal of PGMEA were obtained, and it could establish field-scale bioreactors for application in industrial field.
Appears in Collections:Thesis