標題: 兒童對客製化之反應研究─目標取向與社會比較之互動關係
Children Responses toward Customization: Interactive Effect between Goal Orientation and Social Comparison
作者: 簡郁珊
關鍵字: 客製化;目標取向;社會比較;Customization;Goal Orientation;Social Comparison
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在顧客導向的經濟社會中,越來越多的消費者希望有機會設計專屬於自己的產品,我們稱此活動為大量客製化,消費者可以透過此一過程讓產品或是企業提供的服務,更符合他們的需求。另一方面,兒童市場越來越重要,因為父母希望孩子可以快樂的成長,所以只要孩子喜歡,就會盡可能的滿足他們的需求。因此,本研究主要目的是去探究兒童對於客製化活動的看法,試圖找出吸引他們注意的最佳方式。本研究執行了2(目標取向) X 2(社會比較)的實驗設計,結果顯示採用外在因子吸引孩童進行活動搭配向下比較最能提升孩童對於自行設計商品的評價。
In this consumer-centric economy, more and more consumers want the opportunity to design their own product. We can call the activity as mass customization, which is a process of supplying products and services that fit customers’ needs best. Moreover, children are an important and potential target for marketers since parents want their children to grow up happy, they will fulfill children’s requirement as much as possible. As a result, the study examines children’s response toward customization. To examine how the interaction between goal orientation and social comparison influence the evaluation for self-designed product, we employed a 2(goal orientation) x 2(social comparison) experience design. The results showed that children who are encouraged to adopt an extrinsic goal orientation have higher evaluation when they exposed the worse-off others (downward comparison).


  1. 152001.pdf

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