標題: 主題型社群網站口碑動機與消費者行為研究
The eWOM Motivations of the Social Network Sites and the Consumer Behavior
作者: 潘玉翎
Pan, Yu-Ling
Tang, Ying- Chan
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 虛擬社群;口碑動機;強弱連繫;因素分析;集群分析;SNS;eWOM Motivations;Strong and Weak ties;Factor Analysis;Cluster Analysis
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 口碑行銷皆由來已久,但口碑行銷的研究多數仍停留在部落格行銷及e-mail的病毒式行銷;而近年來各種類型社群網站如雨後春筍般紛紛成立,但卻缺少一個在虛擬社群網站中的電子口碑行銷(eWOM)研究,加上口碑行銷並未具有指標性的衡量標準,因此在本研究中,回到消費者在社群網站中進行eWOM的動機出發,並研究消費者在社群網站及其後續的行為,希望為企業找出各種不同特性的消費者,而後有機會做出進一步的網路口碑行銷策略。 透過含有35個問項的問卷及136份有效樣本與多變量分析方法中的「因素分析」與「集群分析」進行統計分析,發現消費者在主題型社群網站中進行口碑行銷的動機主要有四個:「享樂主義」、「功利主義」、「宣洩負面情緒」與「社群平台為中介發聲」,且根據這些動機,可將消費者分成三群:「意氣用事型」、「自我利益型」、「快樂至上型」;此外,以「發表意見次數」做為一個分類指標並佐以文獻參考後進一步將消費者區分為強弱連繫兩群人。這兩種人在後續的消費者行為亦證明有顯著差異存在。 研究發現,在集群分析中「自我利益型」的消費者較常發表意見,與社群平台具有較強的連繫關係,且會出於實體或虛擬的誘因,在網路上發表意見並進行口碑行銷,同時他們在後續行為研究中具有較正面的回應;因此公司/商品若有考慮在花廣告預算在社群平台的口碑行銷這一個領域時,最好的廣告與行銷目標族群就是這一群與社群平台具有強連繫關係的使用者,他們不僅會透過在社群平台上發表意見進行口碑傳播,同時連帶會提升自己與他人的選購意願,隱含在銷售數量上也可能會帶來不錯的成績,也表示這是最有效率的電子口碑行銷方法之一。
The WOM (word of mouth), one of the most effective marketing approaches has been adopted widely in the past decades both in the traditional market and the virtual market. In addition, the amount and the sorts of the SNS (social network site) grow in an astonishing speed, so the research will focus on the motivations of eWOM in the “virtual community of interest” and the external consumer behaviors such as shopping decisions. By the questionnaire and two multivariate analysis methods- “Factor analysis” and “Cluster analysis”, the research reveals that there are four eWOM motivations of SNS users in Taiwan and then divide the uses into three groups by those motivations. What’s more, the more they post their opinions on the SNS, we define them as having stronger-tie users with the SNS in this study. They also have more positive relation to the buying behaviors and are willing to pay more attention to the marketing campaigns than those who rarely post their opinions. In conclusion, when the eWOM becomes a more convenient and easier way to do the marketing campaigns, there are more and more companies willing to shift their traditional advertising budget to the internet market. Therefore, the study provides the answer for finding who should be the target user when they want to make internet WOM campaigns in the most effective way!