Title: 國家觀光競爭力改善策略之混合式多評準決策模型
Strategies for improving tourism competitiveness using new hybrid MCDM model
Authors: 彭廣興
Peng, Kua-Hsin
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 觀光競爭力;改善策略;多評準決策模型;決策實驗室分析法;DANP (-based ANP);多準則最佳化妥協解;Tourism destination competitiveness (TDC);improvement strategy;MCDM (multiple criteria decision making);DEMATEL;DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP);VIKOR
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在21世紀觀光已成為最主要的休閒活動。由於觀光產業對於經濟的繁榮有很顯著的貢獻;因此,亞洲國家也開始注重觀光產業。然而,根據聯合國世界觀光組織提供的資料顯示,自1990至2009年亞洲觀光產業成長速度非常的快,但同時也增加了彼此的競爭情況。另外,目前已有很多評估觀光競爭力的相關研究,但甚少研究是探討有關改善觀光競爭力的策略,因此,本文利用結合DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP)之一個新的混合式多評準決策模型,找出改善亞洲九個國家或地區(中國、香港、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣和泰國)觀光競爭力的策略,包含。本文利用DANP 和 VIKOR 方法,找出亞洲國家觀光競爭力與理想境界的差距,並利用決策實驗室分析法建構出準則影響關係圖,從中,找出改善觀光競爭力的策略。同時決策者透過改善具影響觀光競爭力的準則,可以使國家觀光競爭力提升並達到理想境界。
Tourism has become the leading leisure activity in the 21st century. Tourism industry has recovered faster than expected from the global financial crisis and economic recession. UNWTO also reported tourism is rapidly growing in Asia, while tourism markets in Asia is becoming increasingly competition with one another. Numerous studies have focused on measuring tourism destination competitiveness (TDC). However, few studies have attempted to identify strategies for improving TDC, preventing decision makers from obtaining valuable cues for making accurate decisions to improve competitiveness. This study thus explores strategies for improving the TDC gaps of nine Asian countries, namely China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines during 2009 using a new hybrid MCDM model combined with DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP). This study demonstrate the effectiveness of a new hybrid MCDM model combining DANP and VIKOR for evaluating tourism competitiveness to identify competitiveness gaps and explore strategies for improving tourism competitiveness based on the influential relation map. Decision makers should increase the priority of the cause criteria in advance, to successfully create a high TDC to achieve the aspired/desired levels.
Appears in Collections:Thesis