標題: 高速公路計程收費暨計程費率之研究
A Study of Distance-Based Toll Collection and Toll Rate on Freeways
作者: 王怡婷
Wang, Yi-Ting
Cho, Hsun-Jung
關鍵字: 計程收費;計程費率;起迄推估;自償率分析;distance-based toll collection;distance-based toll rate;estimation of origin-destination matrix;analysis of self-liquidation rate
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 現今國道通行費徵收採計次收費方式存在許多不公平收費之問題,故政府訂定民國102年高速公路收費方式將全面進入計程收費階段。然而,既要達到「公平付費」,且要讓民眾認同此項政策之推行,計程費率之決定不可不慎。 計程收費之目的並非是為了增加人民負擔,故本研究所推算之最適計程費率是在維持全年總通行費收入不變之假設下進行,而計程收費後全年總通行費收入之計算須仰賴全年總延車公里之估算而得。因此,本研究利用最小平方法之概念,構建一套匝道進出口及路段流量起迄推估模式,並將推估結果作為資料分析之依據。本研究分析重點如下:(一)計算在不同總通行費收入下之最適計程費率。(二)透過計次轉計程後之收費差額計算,觀察在不同計程費率下,計次轉計程收費後可減少付費的起迄對及旅次量之變動。(三)考量國道基金自償性之概念,分析維持全年總通行費收入不變下,讓自償率達到法定水準之最佳策略。(四)藉由計次轉計程收費後平均通行費之變化看計程收費之影響。本研究結果顯示,維持全年總通行費收入不變下之最適計程費率為0.94元/公里,此費率下約有八成原本在計次收費下有付費之旅次在計程收費後可減少付費,且其平均每一旅次可比在計次收費下平均減少14.45元,本研究結果可供相關單位作為計程收費決策之參考。
Presently, frequency-based toll collection is implemented on freeways, but it causes many unfair problems. Therefore, the government has planned to implement distance-based toll collection for freeways in 2013.When executing distance-based toll collection, deciding the toll rate is a critical issue. This study calculates the distance-based toll rate subject to given annual total toll revenue. This calculation depends heavily on origin-destination matrix, which is estimated from traffic counts on freeway link and on-/off- ramps. The analysis of toll rates includes four parts. First, this study calculates the distance-based toll rate corresponding to different revenue targets. Second, the numbers of origin-destination pair and trip which pays less under distance-based toll rate are calculated. Third, find a strategy that maintains the annual total toll revenue at 20 billion NTD and achieves self-liquidation ratio at 78 percent. Fourth, the effect of distance-based toll collection is discussed through computing the average toll difference between frequency-based toll collection and distance-based one. The result shows that the distance-based toll rate is 0.94 NTD/km with fixed total toll revenue at 20 billion NTD. At this toll rate, 80 percent of trips which are charged in frequency-based toll collection can pay fewer tolls and average saving is 14.45 NTD per trip.


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