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dc.description.abstract特殊活動(special events)能為城市帶來經濟效益和豐富居民生活,但活動的 舉辦也會對運輸系統帶來嚴峻考驗,完善的交通規劃是特殊活動舉辦成功的關鍵 要素之一,但過往對特殊活動期的交通影響所提及並不夠深入,也缺乏從交通規 劃的角度去分析居民對影響的感受。然而頇獲得當地居民支持活動才可能持續舉 辦,有鑒於此,本研究通過問卷調查分析居民對「澳門格蘭披治大賽車2009」 活動期間的交通規劃影響之感受,並評估規劃的績效。 「澳門格蘭披治大賽車2009」是一項舉行於城市道路的賽車活動,比賽期 間賽事相關道路禁止一般車輛通行。本研究問卷設計是以特殊活動管理中的交通 控制與管理、旅運需求管理和資訊措施三大構面為基礎。研究中除依通勤運具類 別外,還會依通勤路線把用路者分為進出、穿越、鄰近和外圍四種交通型態,並 進行比較分析。調查分兩階段進行,調查居民賽前預期和賽後感受的影響程度, 賽前與賽後調查分別回收有效問卷417 份和476 份。結果顯示受影響較大的交通 型態是進出交通和穿越交通,賽前與賽後調查的比較分析結果顯示居民對交通影 響的感受有顯著差異,且各構面都是賽後感受比較賽前感受更好,表示居民賽後 感受的影響程度較預期為低。澳門格蘭披治大賽車每年舉行,每次賽事結束後居 民對影響感受的經驗會更新,並成為判斷下一屆賽事影響程度的參考點,較好的 賽後感受會提昇居民對未來舉辦同類活動的支持度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSpecial events could boost city economy and enrich resident’s life, but how to resolve the extra traffic caused by the event is a stern test to transportation system. Traffic planning is one of the key points in the events planning process. Some studies had mentioned that a success event must obtain the support of local residents, but less of researches had analysis residents’ perceptions in traffic impact. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the impact of resident’s perceptions and assessed the performance of traffic planning during “Macau Grand Prix 2009”. Macau Grand Prix is a motorsport which will take place in city road, and the road will be restricted to use during competition. This research designed the questionnaire based on the management framework of traffic planning under special events. There are three dimensions as traffic control and management, travel demand management and travel information which mentioned by Carson and Blysma(2003). The types of traveler were classified according to the mode and route was chosen in there commuting trips. The survey was conducted in two steps in order to investigate the pre- and post-events perceptions of local residents in Macau Peninsula, and 417 and 476 valid samples had been collected respectively. The result indicated that the overall perceptions of post-events was improved, implies the traffic planning is this year performed better. But there are still have some problem such as the travelers of in/out traffic and through traffic had felt the impact seriously. Macau Grand Prix is an annual event. The perceptions of post-events in this year will be the new reference-point in next year. Finally, the improved perceptions will increase the support of residents in further.en_US
dc.subjectspecial eventsen_US
dc.subjecttransportation planningen_US
dc.subjectimpact analysisen_US
dc.subjectMacau Grand Prixen_US
dc.titleTraveler's Impact Study of Traffic Planning and Management under Special Events: A Case Study of Macau Grand Prix 2009en_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis