Title: | 航空貨運站通關作業RFID應用與行為反應之研究 On the Applications of RFID and Behavioural Response to the Custom Clearance Processes for Cargoes in Air Terminals |
Authors: | 蔡宜霖 Tsai, Yi-Lin 許巧鶯 姚銘忠 Hsu, Chaug-Ing Yao, Ming-Jong 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 航空貨運;延滯;無線射頻識別技術;企業流程再造;行為反應;Air cargo;delay;RFID;Business Process Reengineering;behavioral response |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 航空貨運具有快速運送之特性,能縮短運輸時間,然而航空運輸亦具有較高的運送成本。通關作業中所涉及之相關作業單位甚多、作業繁瑣耗時,若在任一作業環節產生時程之延滯,皆可能對航空貨運站通關作業流程造成影響。使用航空運輸之貨物時間的價值與敏感度普遍高於使用其他運具之貨品,若貨物於通關過程發生時程延滯,將可能導致貨物原有功能喪失或減低其剩餘價值,增加貨主、貨運站之成本。本研究首先根據貨物於航空貨運站通關之貨物流、資訊流作業流程,構建航空貨運站通關作業網路,並以解析性之方法分析貨物於航空貨運站進關網路流動之時程,構建時程延滯模式,由主要變數間之關係探討貨物通關作業形成延滯之原因。再藉由分析各項通關作業之特性,本研究運用無線射頻識別(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)技術、生產線平衡分析(Line-balancing analysis)及企業流程再造(Business Process Reengineering, BPR)之手法進行流程再造,改善航空貨運站之貨物處理及通關流程。 進一步加入行為反應之觀念,探討其對RFID技術運用於航空貨運站處理效率之影響,以增進貨物處理作業之順暢度與作業流程時效控管之可靠度;應用RFID技術重新構建航空貨運站之進口、出口及轉口之通關網路,並分析RFID技術對貨物通關作業及時間的直接與間接影響,有助於評估RFID技術對航空貨運站管控與稽核所產生之效益。 本研究亦運用國際桃園航空站之華儲股份有限公司為例,蒐集通關作業相關資料進行分析,以驗證本研究所構建模式在實際應用上之可行性,並探討其行為反應對於流程效率的影響。本研究結果顯示導入RFID技術可提升通關作業效率、作業完成時間之準確率及降低成本的損失,故導入之總效益相當顯著,故可提供航空貨運站作為改善通關作業流程時之參考。 One of air cargo transport advantages is fast delivery which can shorten delivery time. However, air cargo carriers usually charge shippers higher transportation cost than other modes. The custom clearance processes for cargos in air terminals involve not only complicated operations, but also many departments/units. Therefore, delays incurred in the custom clearance process may result in both longer operational duration and possible delay propagation to other cargos in the terminals. Note that air cargos possess the characteristics of higher value and higher sensitivity to their processing durations than others. Delay may significantly trim down air cargos’ advantages, reduce their surplus value, or increases their operational costs. By first developing the flowcharts for the custom clearance processes, this study investigates the sources of delays and formulates a delay propagation model using analytical methods. By analyzing the characteristics of delays, we employ Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, Line-balance analysis, and Business Process Reengineering for improving the efficiency of the customs clearance processes. Then, this study conducts further analysis on the operators’ behavioral responses to the newly-introduced RFID technology to increase the smoothness of cargo process/operation and the reliability of the processing time control. Following our analysis, we propose new operations processes using RFID technology to the customs clearance processes in air cargo terminal. We also carefully evaluate the benefits and the direct and indirect impact of RFID technology on the customs clearance process and the operation times. By taking Taiwan Air Cargo Terminal (TACT) as our case study, this study applies the proposed processes and introduced technologies to the customs clearance processes in the air cargo terminal at the CKS International Airport. We verify the feasibility and evaluate the efficiency of the proposed operations processes using the real-world data. We conclude that the proposed processes and introduced technologies may significantly improve the efficiency, shorten the processing time and reduce the operational costs. Therefore, this study may serve as an effective reference model for improving the customs clearance processes in air cargo terminal. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/45404 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |