標題: 企業評比球之設計與製作-正二十面體模式發展
A Design and Production of Rank Balls for Enterprises-Developed from Icosahedron
作者: 王琳
Wang, Lin
Li, Han-Lin
關鍵字: 企業;正二十面體;評比球;enterprises;icosahedron;rank ball
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 近年來企業間(如公司、大學、國家)的績效評比甚為熱絡,但目前評比的呈現方式多為按分數高低以條列式呈現評比結果,分不出受評者間的群組關係。本研究運用最佳化方法提出一評比球,按受評者間的差異性將評比結果展示在近似球面的正二十面體上。受評者檢視面體上分佈狀況可知其所屬群組,由之界定其楷模者、競爭者、或可能協同者。本研究亦將此評比球製作出;使用者可自選評比系統模擬後,即可並列印結果摺疊出由正二十面體組成之評比球。
In recent years, the ranking of performance for enterprises (such as companies, universities, nations) is very popular, but most of the presentation of ranking results are showed by scores only, which is hard to find the group relationship among enterprises. This paper proposes a rank ball to display these enterprises, from the basis of differences among enterprises, on the surface of an icosahedron. By examining the ball, a user can find the clusters of enterprises conveniently. A system is designed to allow user to retrieve various rating results on icosahedrons, and to print the icosahedrons out to fold as a rank ball.


  1. 453501.pdf

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