DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCheng, Hui-Hungen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Mei-Fangen_US
dc.description.abstract雖然市場上對於企業社會責任的關注日益增加,但企業社會責任的活動對於顧客的影響少有探究。先前研究指出有些因素會影響到顧客的忠誠度,像是服務品質、顧客滿意、顧客信任。根據先前的文獻,本研究認為公司的顧客忠誠是取決於顧客滿意與顧客對公司管理實務及政策的信任,而此二種因素是受公司做顧客相關的企業社會責任實務及服務品質所影響。除此之外,本研究將顧客對公司所做的企業社會責任之歸因做為調節變項,檢驗顧客歸因對於本研究所提出之架構的影響。 本研究所提出之架構以便利商店產業為例。在台灣,便利商店全年無休的提供顧客每日生活所需並快速的給予各式各樣的服務。因此,便利商店可說是與人們密不可分。國內前三大便利商店約有8,400個營業據點,並且在便利商店市場中有超過90%的佔有率。人們頻繁地光顧便利商店,而這些便利商店對顧客而言,也是扮演著推廣企業社會責任活動與概念的良好平台。這也是為什麼本研究選擇便利商店產業作為研究標的。本研究採用配額抽樣做為抽樣方法。有效回收309份問卷供後續研究分析。 本研究採用Anderson and Gerbing (1988)的兩階段方法來檢驗本研究所提出之因果關係。並以卡方差異檢定來檢驗顧客歸因的調節效果。研究結果指出,便利商店做顧客相關的企業社會責任實務與服務品質對於顧客滿意與顧客對便利商店管理實務及政策的信任有正向影響,並進一步對顧客忠誠有正向影響。除此之外,調節效果的檢驗結果指出四種顧客歸因中,有三種歸因對於本研究所提出之架構是有部分調節效果的: 善心歸因、利害關係人歸因、自利歸因。 對管理者來說,除了做顧客相關的企業社會責任實務可以增加顧客滿意、顧客對管理實務及政策的信任、顧客忠誠,他們還需要重視顧客歸因。根據實證研究結果,本研究提供增加顧客忠誠的建議作法給予管理者參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDespite there is an increasing emphasis on CSR in the marketplace, little is known about the effects of a company’s CSR actions on customer loyalty. Previous researches indicate that there are several factors influence customer loyalty, such as service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer trust. Based on previous studies, this study argues that a firm’s customer loyalty are determined by both of consumer satisfaction and customer’s trust in management practices and policies, which are further predicted by a firm’s key business practices for customer-related CSR and service quality. Besides, the moderating effects of customer’s different attributions to a firm’s CSR initiatives on the causal relationships proposed in this study are also examined. The proposed model is to be empirically examined by the data collected from the convenience store industry. In Taiwan, convenience stores open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and offer many products and services for daily use to customers quickly. Thus, convenience store is indispensable to everyone’s daily life in Taiwan. With about 8,400 stores, the market share of the top three convenience stores is more than 90% (7-11, FamilyMart, Hi-Life). Moreover, due to customers patronize convenience stores frequently, these convenience stores can play a good platform role to promote CSR activities and concept to these customers. That is why this study chooses convenience stores as the study target. There were 309 valid questionnaires collected by quota-sampling for analysis after deleting invalid questionnaires. According to Anderson and Gerbing (1988), a two-step approach was adopted to examine the causal relationships. In addition, chi-square difference tests were used to test the moderating effects of customer’s attributions on the proposed causal relationships. In this study, the results indicate that the convenience store’s key business practices for customer-related CSR and service quality have positive effects on customer satisfaction and customer’s trust in MPPs, which in turn have positive effects on customer loyalty. In addition, the results indicate that only three of four attribution types have moderating impacts on the proposed model: customer’s benevolence attribution, stakeholder attribution, and egoistic attribution obtain partial supports. For practical managers, despite that the convenience stores do CSR activities can increase customer satisfaction, customer’s trust in MPPs, and customer loyalty, they should also concerned customer’s attributions. Based on the results of the empirical study, this study provides some suggestions for the practical managers to increase customer loyalty.en_US
dc.subjectCustomer's attributionsen_US
dc.subjectCorporate social responsibility (CSR)en_US
dc.subjectService qualityen_US
dc.subjectCustomer satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectTrust in management policies and practices (MPPs)en_US
dc.subjectCustomer loyaltyen_US
dc.titleThe Impacts of Customer-Related CSR and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty--The Moderating Effects of Customer's Attributionsen_US