標題: 品牌社群參與產品涉入對品牌忠誠傾向之關聯性研究-以運動品牌為例
Relationship of brand community, Involvement and brand loyalty - sports brands as examples
作者: 劉淑芬
Liu, Shu-Fen
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 品牌社群參與;產品涉入;品牌忠誠;運動品牌;brand community;involvement;brand loyalty;sports brands
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 哈佛商業周刊(Susan Fournier and Lara Lee,2009)指出在變動快速的時代,人們想尋找一種聯繫,而知名運動用品公司透過舉辦與消費者互動的活動,例如:三對三籃球比賽、運動品牌之RUNNING CLUB…等,或是在網路上建立運動部落格等活動,進而建立與消費者溝通品牌的橋樑。 將本研究之問題及目的具體說明如下: 1.探討消費者參加運動品牌的社群活動之後,是否對於運動品牌忠誠傾向有正向影響。 2.探討消費者對於運動品牌的關心程度,是否對於運動品牌忠誠傾向有正向影響。 3.探討關心運動產品,是否會影響消費者參加運動品牌的社群活動之後,對於品牌忠誠度的正向影響。 4.探討參與運動品牌活動的消費者之特性。 5.同時探討品牌社群參與及產品涉入對於基本資料之關連性。 6.依據以上結果,對於運動品牌廠商提出相關的行銷建議。 透過本研究的問卷調查,發現參與運動品牌活動的人以男性居多,且年齡層大約在21-30歲之間,其職業類別為學生,教育水準多為大學以上,平均月收入在15,000以下。研究結果顯示,參與品牌社群所舉辦的活動後,對於正面口碑有顯著的正向影響,對於重複購買傾向也有顯著的正向影響;關心運動品牌之程度皆會對於消費者的正面口碑及重複購買傾向有顯著的正向影響。針對NIKE及ASICS兩個活動做變異數分析的結果顯示,參加NIKE活動的多為男學生,參加ASICS活動的多為科技新貴。
People like to be connected through group activities. Participation in sport activities sponsored by the brand company or join the brand related user group. This study explores the relationship among brandfests, product involvement, and brand loyalty in sports brands. The brand loyalty behavior can be further investigated by dividing consumers to two groups, recommend others to buy and repurchase intention. Through the survey studying, the demographic analysis shows that most people joined brandfests are male university students. Their ages are between 21 and 30. This research also shows people have positive significant effect of commend after joining brandfests. Besides, the level of involvement also has significant positive effect to positive repurchase intention. Moreover, through a variance analysis, the result shows (1) people who attended NIKE running club are male students (2) people who joined ASICS competition are almost technology engineers.