標題: 免費多人線上角色扮演遊戲(F2P MMORPG)之遊戲設計屬性吸引力與玩家忠誠度之研究
The Study on the Relationship between F2P MMORPGs' Attractiveness of Game Design Elements and Gamer Loyalty
作者: 李建佑
Lee, Chien-Yu
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 線上遊戲;多人線上角色扮演遊戲;遊戲設計;滿意度;忠誠度;online game;MMORPG;game design;satisfaction;loyalty
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 近年來,金融風暴的影響導致許多產業陷入困境,利潤下滑,線上遊戲產業卻在此不景氣的經濟中不斷的成長。多人線上角色扮演遊戲(MMORPG)的遊戲類別是最受歡迎的線上遊戲,其中,免費(F2P)多人線上角色扮演遊戲已經成為了新的趨勢且利潤最高。許多業者看到了商機,陸續進入了此產業。因此研究此類網路遊戲之遊戲設計屬性吸引力與玩家忠誠度之間的關連也就成為了一個重要的課題。本研究方法維網路問卷調查法,針對在台北市國立大學研究生裡有遊玩免費多人線上角色扮演遊戲的玩家做調查,並以電子郵件與網路連結方式寄發問卷消息,有效問卷數為394份。此研究利用統計分析方法之因素分析,T檢定,變異數分析及回歸分析進行資料分析與驗證研究假說。 研究結果顯示,人口統計變數之平均月收入與視覺程現和互動性有顯著的關係。免費多人線上角色扮演遊戲之遊戲設計屬性吸引力與玩家滿意度有顯著的相關性;其相關性以互動性最為顯著,其次為故事性,角色設定和視覺程現。而玩家滿意度與玩家忠誠度有高度的顯著關係。這代表著,免費多人線上角色扮演遊戲之遊戲設計屬性吸引力與玩家忠誠度有顯著的關係。
In recent years, the impact of the financial crisis left most firms and enterprises across industries in despair and profits shrunk. The online game industry, however, continued to grow in this economic downturn. Of the many genres of the online games‐ the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG)‐ is deemed to be the most popular. A new branch of the MMORPG, the Free‐to‐Play (F2P) MMORPG has become the leading trend due to its profitability. This is a business opportunity that attracted many entrepreneurs and eager to enter the industry. Thus, the study on F2P MMORPG and its attractiveness of game design elements became an important issue to discuss. This study utilizes online questionnaire survey method, focused on Taipei city’s national university graduate students who have experience in playing this genre of online game. The surveys were distributed by means of email and link directing, and the total number of effective surveys is 394 copies. This research uses statistical analysis methods including factor analysis, T‐test, ANOVA, and regression analysis to process and analyze the data and test the proposed research hypotheses. Research results show, the demographic variable of monthly income has significant relationship with game design elements of visual presentation and interaction. Significant relationship is found between F2P MMORPGs’ attractiveness of game design elements and gamer satisfaction. In the order of relative correlation power: interaction ranks highest, then the story, character setting, and visual presentation. Gamer satisfaction and gamer loyalty have a highly significant relationship. This translates to a significant relationship between F2P MMORPGs’ attractiveness of game design elements and gamer loyalty.


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