標題: 從信任關係的變遷論企業集團負責人的背信行為─以紅火案為例
Rethinking the Crime of Breach of Fiduciary Duty - From the Perspective of the Group Companies
作者: 黃任顯
Huang, Jen-Hsien
Lin, Chih-Chieh
Lee, Stacey
關鍵字: 企業集團;背信;忠實義務;商業判斷;集團利益;group companies;fiduciary duty;business judgment;breach of trust
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 白領犯罪多具有破壞信任關係的特徵,而背信罪作為保護信任關係的規範,自然成為國家追訴白領犯罪時常被應用的罪名之一。本文的研究重點即為背信罪,不過關於背信罪的法律文義釋意以及比較法分析,至今已有多位法學者探究之,並累積相當的研究成果,對此本文原無意錦上添花。
本文欲探討的第二個議題則為當代企業化的商業結構對於集團負責人的決策思考、社會對集團負責人的信任關係的影響。本文以民國96年發生的紅火案作為本研究深入探討此問題的起點,並從社會學家Anthony Giddens對社會信任關係發展的觀察,以及美國公司法學者Adolf A. Berle及Gardiner C. Means對公司組織經營與所有分離現象的觀察與分析研究作為分析紅火案的視角,分析一個商業組織結構的變遷,對信任關係的影響,並指出這種信任結構的變遷,如何反映在集團負責人的決策思考上。
A group of companies, operating as a single entity, is one of the features of modern commercial age. Within a group structure, entrepreneur-coordinators, or executive officers, are authorized to direct the operation of subsidiary companies. They also have to allocate the resources to persue the largest profit for the group in the market competition.
Since the executive officers of the group companies shall take the whole group’s interest into account, in some case, they have to sacrifice one subsidiary company’s interest to benefit another one. However, according to the Taiwanese security law, such a conduct may constitute the crime of breach of fiduciary duty, especially when the Taiwanese courts usually only evaluate executive officers’ judgments from the sight of a single company instead of from a group scale. This thesis believes that such an interpretation of the crime of breach of the fiduciary duty simplify the question.
This thesis argues that a reasonable investor should know and expect an executive officer of group companies to pursue the largest profit of the whole business group. In returns, those investors enjoy the advantages from the synergy of the group companies. An executive officer’s allocation of the resources within a group should not be seen as an illegal conduct unless such an executive officer has a specific criminal intent which means that he or she makes the allocation for personal interest purposely.
This thesis advocates that since running a group company is a trend in the commercial world, the Taiwanese courts should take such new concept into consideration when interpret and apply the crime of breach of the fiduciary duty , not only to respond the demands of the market, but also to review whether the government misuses the state penalty power.


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