標題: 台灣社會文化受到ICT技術發展擴散之變遷研究
ICT development and diffusion to social and cultural transition in modern Taiwan
作者: 劉人豪
Liu, Jen-Hao
Yuan, Benjamin
關鍵字: 資訊通訊科技;社會發展;文化變遷;技術擴散;information and communications technology;social development;cultural transition;technology diffusion
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本論文的研究範疇,探討論述1980年代後「資訊通訊科技」(information and communications technology, ICT)在台灣的發展趨勢,深入分析這樣在近代蓬勃發展的技術擴散,對台灣的社會、經濟,甚至是政治層面的影響為何。技術創新的產生與實踐需要個體乃至於社會整體的支援,而社會文化變遷之產生便涉及整體社會環境與歷程中的人民對技術之使用程度。在此,本研究欲藉由科技社會學的反思,以次級資料之數據分析、媒體報導之個別型、整合型行動研究,進一步分析ICT影響社會變遷產生之各個層面與環節,探究其相關性與問題,並將技術內容的形成,看作是一個社會過程進行分析與深入探討。
Abstract The scope of this research is to canvass and expound ICT, information andcommunications technology of the 1980s and its developing trends in Taiwan. In-depth analysis will allow us to understand how this fast-spread technology affects Taiwan's social, economic, and even the political sides. The output and practice of the innovation needs individual support and even society as a whole. Besides, social and cultural changes are related to the people who use the technology. This thesis compares science, technology and society through secondary data analysis and the analysis of individual media types, integrated research actions. ICT changes society at all level, we assay it as a social process of and look into its different aspects.