DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin, Pei-Yingen_US
dc.contributor.authorTao, Chen-Chaoen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究嘗詴將檢測使用性的過程視為一中介模式,包含介面特質、使用者感 知、操作過程、任務表現與滿意度五項主要變項。操作過程強調使用者與介面互 動的過程,使用者進行任務操作時所需耗費的資源,包含時間與路徑兩大要素。 而任務表現更效性可依任務的明確性分為正確性與完成度,藉由任務表現評估整 體系統是否可提供更效的資訊與功能以協助使用者正確達成目標。而滿意度則包 含了介面感知、操作感知與表現感知三個向度綜合表現。 研究方法以使用性檢測法為主,納入眼球運動追蹤紀錄,可同時呈現使用者 執行任務過程中具體瀏覽路徑與數據內容。根據心眼論假設,使用者所觀看位置 反映其所關注內涵,更別於以往以放聲思考為主軸的使用性檢測法,眼球運動追 蹤紀錄可呈現使用者所關注的焦點與搜尋脈絡,可提供滑鼠點選、文字輸入等具 體行為外的觀看過程紀錄,能精確地擷取使用者觀看介面的定點位置與掃視路線,補足研究者無法從任務操作過程中的旁觀角度,協助研究者分析使用者的內在感知。更重要的是,眼球運動追蹤技術可提供使用者在最自然的使用情境,因而較能獲得貼近實際情境的使用者經驗。 本研究以博客來網路書店作為研究對象,於真實網站環境進行實驗操作,期能為業界提供實務研究參考模式。本實驗設計包含三項指定條件的選購任務,主要依據實驗前之問卷訪談結果彙整而得。透過符合使用者真實生活經驗的任務內容,結合眼球運動追蹤紀錄,觀察使用者當下的網站操作情形,並在任務操作時間、搜尋路徑、任務表現與滿意度之間進行質性分析。任務結果分析發現,使用性中介模式之效果呈現,各變項間之交互關係與預期不盡相同:如部分任務表現優異者,卻給予滿意度較低評價,反之,表現不盡理想之使用者,卻給予高度正向回饋。經歸納後發現,使用者類型的固更潛在特質,對於使用性中介模式更明顯的影響,扮演調節變項(moderators)的角色。 最後,本研究亦發現使用者的視線軌跡與搜尋模式關係,可歸納為分別為「分 散型區域式瀏覽」、「地毯式瀏覽」、「無規律來回瀏覽」,此三種瀏覽模式亦 影響任務操作過程中的效率性與任務表現正確性,並與使用者特質息息相關。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUsability, instead of a single concept, is redefined into a mediation model with five variables in this study, including interface attributes, user perception, operation process, task performance, and user satisfaction. Operation process emphasizes on the interaction between user and interface. Time and searching path are considered as two main costs in operation process. The valuation of task performance is scored by the effectiveness in task correctness and completion. The level of user satisfaction is judged by the perception of interface, operation, and performance. In this study, the main methodology is Heuristic test, using eye tracking system, one can record the browsing path of the subjects and material. According to eye-mind hypothesis, the position that an user looking at reflects the point that he/she cares about. In comparison from think-aloud method, mouse click and word typing, eye tracking system reveals precisely an user’s focus point and searching pattern Eye tracking system offers the most natural environment that close to true user experience. In this research, the website, www.books .com.tw (博客來網路書店)is used as a study model . Three specific shopping tasks are concluded, using the result of the designed questionnaire, which is conducted on the adequate real life situation... The usage of the designed questionnaire with eye tracking system allows the analysis on the relationship among time, searching path, task performance, and user satisfaction. The result of the test reveals an inconsistency among the variables within the mediation model of usability. Proportionally, high task performance results low satisfaction, on the other hand low performance achieves high satisfaction. In conclusion, the user’s characteristic is part of the moderators for the mediation model of usability. Finally, the relation between the users’ sight path and search pattern can be categorized into “area browsing “ , “thoroughly browsing ” , and “non-regular pattern browsing”. These three browsing models have impact on the efficiency of operation process and the correctness of the task performance.en_US
dc.subjectThe Mediation Model of Usabilityen_US
dc.subjectuser perceptionen_US
dc.subjecteye trackingen_US
dc.titleEye Tracking and User Experience: The Mediation Model of Usabilityen_US