Title: 建構應用程式的使用者價值脈絡
User-Value-Based Approach for Wellness Application Software Design
Authors: 王育婕
Wang, Yu-Chieh
Deng, Yi-Shin
Keywords: 使用者經驗設計;以價值中心設計;應用程式軟體設計;方法-目的理論;健康應用程式;User Experience;Value-Centered Design;Means-end Theory;Laddering;Wellness Promotion;Application Software design
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在現今社會中,漫長的工作時數,過多加工的飲食習慣,緊湊的生活步調和運動習慣的缺乏,讓人們的生活方式漸趨於不健康。因應這樣的情形,越來越多的科技發明被應用於健康保健之中。能夠隨身攜帶並做高效能處理運算的智慧手機,裝載運動健康相關應用程式,便是其一之應用。 然而,在這全新的領域中, 使用者對於健康的態度與價值仍未被完整建立,同時,現有產品的設計元素該如何轉換至手機平台中也仍是個考驗。因此,本研究之目的為提供一個探討使用者需求與價值,從而發展對應設計手法的脈絡架構,並以健康應用程式做為研究主題。 本研究根據方法-目的理論(Means-end theory),進行階梯訪談,從現有健康服務的屬性項目,往下深入探究使用者所在乎的價值與需求,同時,由現有的應用程式軟體使用經驗分享,發掘能夠提供給使用者正面情緒的形容詞感受。由訪談結果,我們將受訪者在陳述感受時有關於情緒的形容詞提出,以此作為關鍵詞,將現有健康服務產品知覺圖中,有關健康價值的階層,與手機應用程式產品知覺圖中有關功能感受的階層做合併,並於圖中之關係鍊加上影響程度權重,最終獲得一個整合後的健康應用程式知覺圖P-HVM。設計師們可以從中看出使用者在健康保健中所在意的價值觀,與能夠滿足這些需求的情緒感受,因而從此發展相符的設計元素於手機健康應用程式中。 而本研究所規劃探究使用價值的脈絡結構,不僅僅適用於手機應用程式設計規畫,同時可應用於創新領域之設計發展,當設計師面對一個全新的設計環境時,藉由現有產品的使用經驗,結合該場域的需求價值,可進而推衍出符合使用者價值的設計。
In contemporary society, the alarmingly growing numbers of people around the world are living a physically inactive life style. To cope with this problem, Wellness application software is designed to support health promotion. However, in this newly developed field, the users’ values haven’t investigated extensively, and the design strategy hasn’t delivered to help transforming the existing product attributes into new design opportunities. Therefore, the aim of this study attempts to provide a process that can help designers better determine users’ needs in the new field, and investigate the design factors match targeted values. This research is undertaken through interviews by the method of Means-end theory to define users’ values from the existing wellness services, and also the consequences from the usage of other popular applications. Based on the previous result, the study uses the emotional consequences as key nodes to cross the value part of the Hierarchical Value Maps from wellness domain and the consequences part of the HVM from applications field, and adds the influential weights, determined from quantitative survey, on the linkages to carry out the proposed HVM, P-HVM. The finding is delivered with values that are the basis knowledge of users’ attitude toward wellness, the consequences employed as corresponding design factors for wellness APPs and the approach to conduct crossing process to attain the proposed HVM, which can be applied for valued-based design.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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