標題: 臺北市國民中學教師對於教師工會之認知與參與意願
A study on Taipei junior high school teachers' cognition and the anticipation for participation about teachers union
作者: 吳子萱
Wu , Tzu-Hsuan
Chen, Chi-yuan
關鍵字: 教師組織;教師工會;教師工會之認知;教師工會之參與意願;teachers organization;teachers union;teachers' cognition about teachers union;teachers' willingness of participate in teachers union
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 最近幾年來,隨著社會環境與人權的發展,教師工會已逐漸取代其他教師組織,成為替教師發聲的重要管道。臺灣教師組織的發展從清朝末年至今,也有一百多年的歷史,過程中因為社會文化與政治經濟等的改變,使教師組織從以往具有官方色彩的專業組織,轉變成民間團體主導的自由團體。1995年的教師法與2011年的工會法公告實施以後,教師工會的發展已經進入一個新的階段。 本研究主要探討以教師工會之概念,探討教師對於教師工會之認知、教師工會功能看法與參與意願,以了解教師對於教師工會的整體觀點,並試圖對教師工會之運作提出相關建議,以提供教師、學校與教育行政機關等往後在面對教師工會運作上的參考。 為達研究目的,本研究透過文獻分析與問卷調查之方式,以研究者自編之「教師對於教師工會之認知與參與意願之模糊調查問卷」,針對臺北市國民中學之教師進行調查研究。問卷採分層隨機抽樣之方式,先後寄發共215份問卷,扣除無效問卷11份,有效回收問卷共160份。接著運用描述性統計、模糊平均數、模糊眾數與卡方齊一性檢定,進行考驗與統計分析。綜合文獻探討與問卷調查結果,歸納本研究之主要結論如下: 壹、教師認同教師工會有其成立之必要性。 貳、教師認同教師工會是具有勞工性質之組織,其設立並不會影響教師的專業形 象。 參、教師普遍認同教師工會應具有爭取教師權益、提升教師專業、參與教育決策 與提供教師服務之功能。 肆、不論性別、現任職務、大學就讀體系、最高學歷、服務年資服務、學校類別 和是否為教師組織之會員對於教師工會之認知看法均一致。 伍、除兼任行政工作的教師較不認同教師工會具備爭取教師權利之功能外,其餘 背景教師皆同意教師工會具備此功能。 陸、女性教師、未兼任導師或行政工作之專任教師、10年以上-未滿15年之教師 與私立學校教師皆認同教師工會具備提升教師專業之功能。 柒、女性教師、未兼任導師或行政工作之專任教師、未滿5年之教師與私立學校 教師對於教師工會參與教育決策功能的認同度相對高於其他背景教師。 捌、女性教師與年資越資淺之教師對於教師工會提供教師服務功能之認同度相對 高於其他老師。 玖、除年資較資深的教師外,多數教師贊成成立教師工會,並願意因教師工會具 備爭取教師權利、提升教師專業、參與教育決策與提供教師服務之功能而成 為會員。 最後根據研究結論提出具體建議,以提供教師工會、教育行政機關、教師與後續研究之參考。
The development of teachers organizations in Taiwan has a history of over one hundred years since the Ching Dynasty. During the last several decades, with the growth of the social-economic environment and the revival of human rights, teachers union has replaced other related organizations and become an important spokesman for teachers. Due to these transformations, once permeated by official colors, teachers organization has already turned into free groups led by civil society. Moreover, after the newly revised Teacher’s Act in 1995 and Labor Union Act in 2011, the teachers union has entered into a new era. The purpose of this paper is to provide a new interrelated notion upon teachers’ union, such that an investigation is made to explore (i) teachers’ cognition about its union, (ii) functional perspectives, (iii)willingness of participation. A few suggestions are raised as to the operation of teachers union and also offers some insights to the teachers, schools and educational administrations for future implementation. In order to accomplish the purpose, this research uses literature review as well as questionnaire survey designed by the researcher. This fuzzy questionnaire entitled as “teachers’ cognition for teachers union and the willingness for participation” is aimed for Taipei junior high school teachers. Through the stratified random sampling, a total of 215 surveys were sent out, by which we collected 160 valid and 11 invalid samples. Then, by using descriptive statistics, fuzzy mean, fuzzy mode and chi-squire homogeneity test, we try to grasp the underlying meaning of each data, furthermore, to provide a link which otherwise may have ignored or overlooked. A thorough examination led us to the following findings and conclusions: 1. Teachers agree with the necessity of establishing the teachers union. 2. Teachers agree that teachers union is a labor natured organization, and its establishment will not affect the professional image of teachers. 3. Teachers generally agree that teachers union should have the function of striving for the teachers’ right, enhancing teachers’ professionalism, participating educational decision-making and servicing for teachers. 4. Regardless of gender, current positions, the university system, the highest degree, the school type and of the teachers organizations, teachers are consistent with the cognitive view of its union. 5. Except for those served as administrative staff that showed strong disagreement, most of the teachers reveal proportion of strong to slight agreement regarding the teachers’ right. 6. Female teachers, full-time teachers without obligation as mentor or administration, teachers with 10 but less than 5 years of teaching experience and private school teachers indicate higher ratio in enhancing teachers’ professionalism. 7. In terms of participating educational decision-making, female teachers, full-time teachers without obligation as mentor or administration, teachers with less than 5 years of teaching experience, as well as private school teachers demonstrate a significant difference than others. 8. As to the point of services available from teacher union, female and junior teachers are exhibiting a higher ratio than teachers otherwise. 9. Except senior teachers, the majority of teachers agrees with establishing teacher union, and is willing to become members of teachers union because of the same reasons stated as No. 4. On the basis of the above findings, we contribute practical suggestions for teachers union, educational authorities, administrative and for further study